3.5 Bh%≠ma will not fight —ikhaº∂in. Although he loves the P#º∂ava brothers and recognizes the justice of their cause, Bhīsma is obligated to fight on the side of Duryodhana, the evil king of the Kauravas who is trying to keep the kingship from the P#º∂ava. Bhīsma reveals to Duryodhana that there is one man on the side of P#º∂ava whom he refuses to fight: —ikhaº∂in, because he is made from a woman. “This my vow has always been famous all over the earth: at a woman, one who has been a woman, one who has the name of a woman, and one has the appearance of a woman, I will not shoot arrows” (vratam etan mama sadā p‰thivyām api viśrutam / striyāª strīpūrvake cāpi strīnāmni strīsvarūpiºi/ na muñceyam ahaª bāºān). [Mbh 5.189-194].