1. On Wednesday, Nick drove his kids to football practice. (Past simple)

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2-practical task

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense forms (Present simple/ Present Continuous / Past simple / Past Continuous / Present Perfect):
1. On Wednesday, Nick drove his kids to football practice. (Past simple)
2. Have you already moved to the new bedsit? (Present Perfect)
3. Usually, I work as an office secretary, but this winter I am studying German at a language school in Berlin. That is why I am in Berlin. (Present simple, Present Continuous)
4. Shhhhh! Be quiet! Our baby is sleeping. (Present Continuous)
5. "Fire breaks out in hotel room" - the headline cried. (Present simple)
6. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It is raining. (Present Continuous)
7. I hate living in London because it always rains. (Present simple)
8. I'm sorry I can't hear what you are saying because everybody is talking so loudly. (Present Continuous)
9. We met our friends yesterday. (Past simple)
10. We haven't seen any mice in the garden shed since we got the cat! (Present Perfect)
11. When I came home yesterday, my mom was cooking a pie. (Past simple, Past Continuous)
12. I lived in Brazil two years ago. (Past simple)
13. Did you play any musical instruments when you were a kid? (Past simple)
14. My chief usually works on Saturdays. (Present simple)
15. He is waiting for you at this moment. (Present Continuous)
16. What does your brother do? He is a sportsman. (Present simple)
17. Ann is in the library. She is making a report. (Present simple, Present Continuous)
18. Recently, she planted some bulbs and flowers. (Past simple)
19. I was cooking a cake when he came back home yesterday. (Past Continuous, Past simple)
20. Now Justin is writing a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good publisher when it is finished. (Present Continuous, Present simple)
1. Chorshanba kuni Nik o'z bolalarini futbol mashg'ulotlariga olib bordi. (Vaqt qo'shimchasi ko'rsatilmagan)
2. Siz allaqachon yangi yotoqxonaga o'tdingizmi? (Allaqachon)
3. Odatda, men ofis kotibi bo'lib ishlayman, lekin bu qishda men Berlindagi til maktabida nemis tilini o'rganyapman. Shuning uchun men Berlindaman. (Odatda, bu qish)
4. Shhhh! Jim bo'l! Bolamiz uxlayapti. (Vaqt qo'shimchasi ko'rsatilmagan)
5. “Mehmonxona xonasida yong‘in chiqdi” – sarlavha yig‘ladi. (Vaqt qo'shimchasi ko'rsatilmagan)
6. Soyabonni olishni unutmang. Yomg'ir yog'ayapti. (Hozir)
7. Men Londonda yashashni yomon ko'raman, chunki doim yomg'ir yog'adi. (Har doim)
8. Kechirasiz, nima deyayotganingizni eshitmayapman, chunki hamma baland ovozda gapiryapti. (Shunday qilib)
9. Kecha biz do'stlarimiz bilan uchrashdik. (Kecha)
10. Mushukni olganimizdan beri bog‘dagi shiyponda sichqonchani ko‘rmadik! (bundan buyon)
11. Kecha uyga kelganimda onam pirog pishirayotgan edi. (Kecha)
12. Ikki yil oldin Braziliyada yashaganman. (Ikki yil oldin)
13. Bolaligingizda cholg'u asboblarida chalganmisiz? (Qachon)
14. Mening boshlig'im odatda shanba kuni ishlaydi. (Odatda)
15. U sizni shu daqiqada kutmoqda. (Ayni paytda)
16. Ukangiz nima qiladi? U sportchi. (Vaqt qo'shimchasi ko'rsatilmagan)
17. Enn kutubxonada. U hisobot tayyorlamoqda. (Vaqt qo'shimchasi ko'rsatilmagan)
18. Yaqinda u lampochka va gullar ekdi. (Yaqinda)
19. Kecha u uyga qaytganida men tort pishirayotgan edim. (Kecha, qachon)
20. Hozir Jastin Tibetdagi sarguzashtlari haqida kitob yozmoqda. Umid qilamanki, u tugagach, yaxshi nashriyot topadi. (Hozir)

Present simple, Present Progressive, Past simple,Going to, or Present Perfect (+),(-) or (?).

1. My parents have never been to China before. (Present Perfect)
2. Patrick and Mary usually drive to work in the morning. (Present simple)
3. My dog is eating a bone right now. (Present Progressive)
4. He has been in prison since he tried to set a fire in a neighbor's house. (Present Perfect)
5. Sheila often listens to rock music. She doesn't like pop music. (Present simple)
6. Finally, last week we found a cheap flat. We are moving next Saturday. (Past simple, Present Progressive)
7. It usually snows a lot in Ankara in winter. (Present simple)
8. They will visit their relatives in Manchester next month. (Going to)
9. How long does it take to arrive there? (Present simple)
10. I have known Peter since we were in high school. (Present Perfect)
11. Martha is from Portugal. She speaks Portuguese. (Present simple)
12. My sister and her husband went to Madrid for their holiday last year. They really had a good time there. (Past simple)
1. Mening ota-onam ilgari Xitoyda bo'lmagan. (Hech qachon)
2. Patrik va Meri odatda ertalab ishga ketishadi. (Odatda)
3. Mening itim hozir suyak yemoqda. (Hoziroq)
4. U qo‘shnisining uyiga o‘t qo‘ymoqchi bo‘lganidan beri qamoqda. (bundan buyon)
5. Sheila tez-tez rok musiqa tinglaydi. U pop musiqani yoqtirmaydi. (Ko'pincha)
6. Nihoyat, o'tgan hafta biz arzon kvartira topdik. Biz keyingi shanba kuni ko'chamiz. (O'tgan hafta, keyingi shanba)
7. Anqarada odatda qishda qor ko‘p yog‘adi. (Odatda)
8. Ular kelasi oy Manchesterdagi qarindoshlarinikiga borishadi. (Keyingi oy)
9. U yerga yetib borish uchun qancha vaqt ketadi? (Vaqt qo'shimchasi ko'rsatilmagan)
10. Men Piterni maktabda o‘qib yurganimizdan beri bilaman. (bundan buyon)
11. Marta Portugaliyalik. U portugal tilida gapiradi. (Vaqt qo'shimchasi ko'rsatilmagan)
12. Opam va uning eri o'tgan yili ta'tilga Madridga borishgan. Ular haqiqatan ham u erda yaxshi vaqt o'tkazishdi. (O'tkan yili)
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