those books.
Demonstrative pronouns are used in the functions of the subject,
predicative, object and attribute:
That is my book ( subject);
This book
is mine (attribute); Will you tell me how you did
this ( object) ; Honest
people were
those who told the truth( predicative).
Demonstrative pronouns in the Uzbek language are :
u, bu, shu , o’sha ,
mana shu , ushbu , etc. Demonstrative pronouns in Uzbek can
have nouns’ characteristics : Yaxshi odam,
o’shaning uyiga boramiz.
(O.); these pronouns can substitute the whole sentence or they can be
used in the structure of the principle clause being modified by the
subordinate clause : Bola tarbiyasiga e’iborliroq bo’ling.
Bu kata
ahamiyatga ega.
Shuni biling-ki , turmush qonuni - o’sish, kamol
topishdir. ( Sh.R.)
Demonstrative pronouns in Uzbek can have adjectives’
characteristics , they perform the function of the attribute : Biz
o’sha do’konga boramiz. (O.) These pronouns being used in repeated form
can have adverbs’ characterisics :
O’sha- o’sha kampir bilan
G’afforjon biznikida qolib ketdi. ( A.Q.) Demonstrative pronouns in
Uzbek can receive affixal morphemes –
day, -cha, -
daqa, -dek, -aqa, - aqangi and in this case may have adverbs’ and adjectives’
characterisics: Kozimbek
shuncha odamning ichida o’ynadi. (A.Q.);
Shunday o’lka doim bor bo’lsin,
shunday o’lka elga yor bo’lsin.
(H.O.) Uzbek demonstrative pronouns , differing from English , can be
declined by all the Uzbek case forms :
bu- buni-buning-bunga- bunda- bundan ; o’sha –o’shani-