possible so you can earn points. You do need to leave a little extra
money in your checking account to make sure you never run
short, but it’s worth the slight cash inefficiency to save all that
Never answer a call from an unknown number. If they’re not
in your contact list, it’s highly unlikely the call is from a friend,
family member, or big client. The odds are high it’s a sales call or
a friend of a friend who was given your number. And even if the
call is from someone you know, it’s always best to have call time
scheduled on your calendar.
Get a business coach, mentor, or mastermind group. This may
sound unusual as time management advice, but connecting with
someone who has already walked the path you’re on can save you
a lot of time (not to mention money and frustration).
Release your content through multiple channels. Joe Pulizzi,
author of
Epic Content Marketing, offers this advice, “Plan your
content creation in advance. Most people think in content tactics,
like publishing a blog or a Facebook post. It's best to think in
stories, and how many ways you can tell that story—an article, a
blog, a book, a webinar, multiple social media posts, an ebook, a
podcast and more. The time savings are immense if you only plan
in advance.”
Know that done is better than perfect. Software developers will
often say, “Shipped is better than perfect.” And the release of
software version 1.0 is quickly followed by version 1.1, 1.2, and
on and on to fix the bugs inevitably contained in the initial
release. As a writer it’s too easy to keep working on my book…
new material, new ideas, better ways of phrasing things. But
published imperfectly is of more value to the world than never
published at all.
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