Immad Akhund (Twitter: @immad)
Make yourself responsible for two or three core things and empower/trust other
people to do everything else. This means you will do a great job with things that
you consider core and will empower others you work with to take responsibility
and get things done.
Immad Akhund is CEO and founder of Heyzap, a profitable and VC funded
leading mobile advertising company.
If your current life situation has not yet reached the heights you're aiming for,
your day must be dictated towards success, by you. Even if you have a boss and
have colleagues which require you to help them with tasks, the first thing I
recommend doing each day is to write down which hours you will dedicate to
which tasks. If you get an email before email time is scheduled in your day,
ignore it. As you cross off every item, you'll feel empowered that you planned
something and made it happen—no matter how small—which will spur you onto
the next point.
Glen was named an “SEO Expert” by the Guardian newspaper at age 21 and
runs the popular marketing brand, ViperChill.
Find a virtual assistant in the Philippines and outsource anything that you
yourself do not need to do. Do it first, document the process, and then hand it off
to them. Start your day with a good habit that many don't do, like making the
bed. This gets your day off to a productive start. Put your email inbox on your
phone on the last screen all by itself. This way when you look at your phone you
don't see the app icon unless you're actually trying to check your email. This
keeps you from checking your email constantly. Checking email too much is a
huge productivity killer.
Max Altschuler is the CEO of Sales Hacker Inc, a global media company
focused on bring the newest tactics, strategies, and technologies to sales
organizations everywhere. He also wrote the bestselling book, Hacking Sales.