Telegram: @imtihonlar_kanali_uz @imtihonuzb_bot Telegram: @imtihonlar_kanali_uz @imtihonuzb_bot 23-BILET 1. Complete the sentence with the correct preposition.
I go to school by car. 2. What country would you like to visit and why?
The country I would like to visit is Great Britain. Many people travel to replenish
their worldview, or to meet with relatives living abroad. My choice is based on the
following reasons. Firstly, I have been interested in this country since school years as
English was one of the subjects studied at school. The pictures of the old buildings in
text-books have inspired me and visiting this country has become somewhat a dream
for me. Most of all I’d like to visit London.
Among them there are: Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Buck Ingham
Palace, St Paul’s Cathedral, London Bridge, the Tower of London. London is situated
on the river Thames.I would like to visit all the famous museums in London as well,
especially British Museum. I could see many historical heritages gathering from all
over the world there.
24-BILET 1. Complete the sentence with the correct preposition.
The pizza comes from Italy. 2. Why do people usually travel?
People travel the globe to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the
ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of
scene. The tourist industry will soon be the largest industry in the world.
people have lots of good reasons to travel. Travelling has always been a part of
people's education. The best way to study geography is to travel and the best way to
get to know and understand the traditions and customs of different people is to speak
to them. Besides, travelling is a good way to practise foreign languages.