A conditional clause with an adverbial clause Plan

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A conditional clause with an adverbial clause

A conditional clause with an adverbial clause
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical information about compound sentences with adverbs.
3. Classification of conjunctions with adverbs.
It is known that two or more simple clauses are connected by a subordinate relationship in a subordinate clause. The subordinate clause is subordinate to the main clause and explains a part of the main clause. The main and subordinate clauses are grammatically and meaningfully connected, form a single unit and express a general idea. They interact with each other through the practical forms of verbs (adjectives, adverbs and conditional verbs), auxiliary words. Grouping of subordinate clauses is determined depending on which part of the main clause the subordinate clause interprets.
In the old Uzbek language, the above types of conjunctions with adverbs are recorded. We will consider them below.
Conjunctions with adverbs. It is known that the possessive clause explains and completes the possessive expressed by the pronoun in the main clause. In old Uzbek, the subordinate clause is connected to the main clause as follows.
1. As in the current Uzbek language, using the conditional form of the verb: if everyone is падшШ.
2. Using the adjective form with the affix -r(-ar, - er, -ur, -ur): Ul chin svzni palganga catar, durriu saminni najasatSha atar (Nav. MK).
3. By means of the verb's anikdik meili form: Everyone who comes to the destination of life, ahiur dunya gamkhanasiudiun kechkusiudiun (BN).
Compound sentences with participles. Participial clause explains the part of the main clause expressed by a pronoun, and is connected to the main clause with the conjunction -ki,-kim, as in the current Uzbek language. In modern Uzbek, this pronoun is used as a participle of the main sentence. and in the old Uzbek language it is more. demonstrative pronouns bu, these, ulu andac are used.
Complementary clauses. It is known that complementary subordinate clauses fill the meaning of the position of the filler in the main clauses and are connected to the main clause with the formative tool -ki -kim.
In modern Uzbek, complement clauses are connected to the main clause with the help of the conditional verb yhakli, prepositions -mi, chi, -ku and conjunction -ki. and in the old Uzbek language it is mainly connected by means of -kSh-kim.
Conjunctions with determining clauses. It is known that the determining clause concretizes the meaning of some words that are used in the main sentence as an anikdovci. An adverbial clause often identifies the subject of the main clause by its action or position.
Sometimes what is being identified may not be expressed in form. But in terms of content, it is complete and easy to understand: That's what I heard, alamdiun vtubtur in Astrabad (Nav.MN). In this example, the target clause (message) contained in the main sentence is not expressed formally. The adverbial clause has identified and explained this unexpressed subject in the main clause. Implicit subject is understood as reference source.
Compound sentences with adverbs of reason. The content of such sentences consists of a causal relationship. The subordinate clause represents the cause, the main clause represents the result. In such subordinate clauses, the semantics of the lexical combinations of ul jiuuattiun and jShattiun have an important effect on the semantic relation of simple sentences. These tools appear at the beginning of the main clause and occupy the semantic situation of the causative case. The cause enters into the result by means of these means. The reason is the event, that is, the condition precedes the adverbial clause, followed by the prepositional clause. Because the reason is more than what is expressed, the main denotation is caused by the means of this action.
explained. Examples: Bard lafziudiun achchiugiu erdi erdi, this jiu^attiun aca berurlvr erdi erdi (Nav.MN). To tell you the name of the state in your tabugiucius, the administrator, ul
jiu^attiun gustShliug bild arzadasht finished (Nav. Mnsh).
The causal clause can be connected to the main clause by means of -km, nim. In such compound sentences, the main clause is placed before the subordinate clause: Maet maraziuda tajniu aniuc carniuga coydiukim, Darabca domiula erdi (Nav. TMA).
In the current Uzbek language, causative clauses are sometimes connected to the main clause by means of -ki. But unlike the example above, the subordinate clause is placed before the main clause: There is a woman, the world is bright.
The participle of the following sentence is imperative, and the verb form of the following sentence is represented by family. With the preposition -ki (-nim) the vehicle has a syntagmatic relation: To forgive the oppressed, see, zalimdiun asayish kvrgey-sen (Nav.MK,).
In expressing the meaning of non-obstacle, the conjunctions if and if in the adverbial clause play a big role. At the same time, some lexical tools are also important in the composition of denotations. In such sentences, there are two types of relations at the same time, i.e., both the relation of condition and the relation of impossibility. Because the word "unobstructed" means that a certain condition does not prevent the occurrence of the relevant event. Conditional relation is not directly involved in this, but indirectly.
The adverbial clause q
List of used literature:
1. Akhmedov B.A. Gosudarstvo koclievix uzbekov. M., 2015.
2. Baskakov N.A. Vvedeniye v Izucheniye turskikh yazikov. M. 2009.
3. Batmanov I.A. Yazik yeniseyskikh pamyatnikov drevnetyurskoy pismennosti. Frunze, 2010.
4. Borovkov A.K. Lexika Sredneaziatskogo tefsira XII-XII vv. M.r. Izd - "Nauka", 2013.
5. Blahova G.F. Turskoye skloneniye v arealno- istoricheskom osveshenii. M., fed —vo "Nauka", 2012.
6. www.ziyonet.uz

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