A Genome-wide CRISPR Screen in Toxoplasma
Identifies Essential Apicomplexan Genes
Graphical Abstract
CRISPR enables the first genome-wide loss-of-function
screen in T. gondii
The screen measures each gene’s impact during infection of
human fibroblasts
Functional assays validate the essentiality of formerly
uncharacterized proteins
An invasion factor found in all apicomplexans is essential in
malarial parasites
Saima M. Sidik, Diego Huet,
Suresh M. Ganesan, ..., Vern B. Carruthers,
Jacquin C. Niles, Sebastian Lourido
In Brief
The first genome-wide genetic screen of
an apicomplexan parasite identifies an
invasion factor essential for the fitness of
all parasites in this phylum, including
those causing malaria and toxoplasmosis.
Sidik et al., 2016, Cell 167, 1–13
September 22, 2016
ª 2016 Elsevier Inc.
A Genome-wide CRISPR Screen in Toxoplasma
Identifies Essential Apicomplexan Genes
Saima M. Sidik,
Diego Huet,
Suresh M. Ganesan,
My-Hang Huynh,
Tim Wang,
Armiyaw S. Nasamu,
Prathapan Thiru,
Jeroen P.J. Saeij,
Vern B. Carruthers,
Jacquin C. Niles,
and Sebastian Lourido
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Michigan School of Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Co-first author
Lead Contact
Apicomplexan parasites are leading causes of human
and livestock diseases such as malaria and toxoplas-
mosis, yet most of their genes remain uncharacter-
ized. Here, we present the first genome-wide genetic
screen of an apicomplexan. We adapted CRISPR/
Cas9 to assess the contribution of each gene from
the parasite Toxoplasma gondii during infection of
human fibroblasts. Our analysis defines
$200 previ-
unique to the phylum, from which 16 were investi-
gated, revealing essential functions during infection
of human cells. Secondary screens identify as an in-
vasion factor the claudin-like apicomplexan micro-
neme protein (CLAMP), which resembles mammalian
tight-junction proteins and localizes to secretory or-
ganelles, making it critical to the initiation of infection.
CLAMP is present throughout sequenced apicom-
plexan genomes and is essential during the asexual
stages of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falcipa-
rum. These results provide broad-based functional
information on T. gondii genes and will facilitate
future approaches to expand the horizon of antipara-
sitic interventions.
Apicomplexans comprise a phylum of over 5,000 obligate para-
sites whose hosts span the animal kingdom (
Levine, 1988
Several species are leading causes of infant mortality, such as
Plasmodium and Cryptosporidium spp., which cause malaria
and severe diarrhea, respectively (
Checkley et al., 2015; World
Health Organization, 2014
). Toxoplasma gondii, predicted to
establish lifelong infections in a quarter of the world’s population,
can cause life-threatening disease in immune-compromised in-
dividuals or when contracted congenitally (
Pappas et al.,
). Despite their importance to global health, apicomplexans
remain enigmatic. Only a handful of species have been studied,
and fewer than half of their genes have been functionally anno-
tated. The ease with which T. gondii can be cultured, along
with the genetic tractability that comes with its balanced nucle-
otide composition and high transfection rates, presents compel-
ling arguments for using this parasite as a model apicomplexan.
Scalable methods to assess gene function in T. gondii could
therefore greatly extend our understanding of apicomplexan
Genetic crosses have long been used to identify loci respon-
sible for phenotypes ranging from drug resistance in Plasmo-
dium falciparum (
Wellems et al., 1991
) to virulence in T. gondii
Saeij et al., 2006; Taylor et al., 2006
). However, completing the
sexual cycles of T. gondii or Plasmodium spp. in cats or mosqui-
toes is challenging, and the traits examined must vary within the
species. Spontaneous mutations, or those induced chemically or
by transposition, can sample a wider range of phenotypes
Crabb et al., 2011; Farrell et al., 2014; Flannery et al., 2013
but the population size required to achieve saturation is imprac-
tical, and causal mutations are often difficult to identify.
Gene deletion collections, such as those available for fungi
Winzeler et al., 1999
), can aid functional analysis of eukaryotic
genomes. With this aim, large-scale efforts have generated col-
lections of knockout vectors for P. falciparum (
Maier et al.,
) and Plasmodium berghei (
Gomes et al., 2015
), which
have led to the functional annotation of dozens of genes in
both species. However, similar approaches have not been
adapted to T. gondii, despite the advantage of both high trans-
fection rates and a continuous culture system. The recent
adaptation of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic
repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9 has further enhanced the genetic trac-
tability of T. gondii (
Shen et al., 2014; Sidik et al., 2014
). This
technology has the advantage of being easily reprogrammable
by changing the 20 bp of homology between the single
guide RNA (sgRNA, or guide) and the genomic target (reviewed
Sander and Joung, 2014
). The endogenously high rates
of non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) in T. gondii make it
well suited to CRISPR-mediated gene disruption by efficiently
creating frame-shift mutations and insertions at the cleavage
site (
Sidik et al., 2014
Cell 167, 1–13, September 22, 2016
ª 2016 Elsevier Inc. 1
CELL 9138
Please cite this article in press as: Sidik et al., A Genome-wide CRISPR Screen in
Toxoplasma Identifies Essential Apicomplexan Genes, Cell
Several studies have developed CRISPR/Cas9-based genome-
wide genetic screens for mammalian cells (
Koike-Yusa et al.,
2014; Shalem et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014
). These screens use
lentiviral libraries of sgRNAs to generate pools of mutants that
can be exposed to selective pressures. The integrated sgRNAs
can be used as barcodes to measure the contribution of targeted
genes to cell fitness. Despite the lack of viral transduction, we
adapted CRISPR/Cas9 for pooled screening in T. gondii. We pre-
sent the first genome-wide genetic screen performed in any api-
complexan. We demonstrate the power of this approach using
both positive and negative selection strategies. This approach
provides the first complete survey of contributions to parasite
fitness, cataloguing the
$40% of genes needed during infection
of human fibroblasts. Based on this analysis, we were able to
pinpoint previously uncharacterized conserved apicomplexan
proteins necessary for the T. gondii lytic cycle. We demonstrate
that one of these proteins acts as an essential invasion factor
and is also required by the malaria parasite P. falciparum to com-
plete its asexual replication cycle. This protein is conserved
throughout the phylum, providing an important molecular link to
the invasion process of distantly related apicomplexans. Our anal-
ysis demonstrates the potential of genetic screens in T. gondii to
uncover conserved biological processes and provides a transfor-
mative tool for parasitology.
Constitutive Cas9 Expression Maximizes Gene
Disruption in T. gondii
Highly efficient gene disruption and stable integration of the
sgRNA are necessary to develop large-scale CRISPR screens.
Transient expression of SpCas9 and an sgRNA in T. gondii can
disrupt a targeted gene in
$20% of parasites (
Sidik et al.,
). We reasoned that constitutive Cas9 expression, prior to
introducing the sgRNA, might increase the likelihood of gene
disruption. We transfected parasites with a Cas9-expression
plasmid carrying a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT)
selectable marker (pCas9/CAT;
Figure 1
A). However, repeated
attempts failed to isolate Cas9-expressing parasites, suggesting
that Cas9 expression is detrimental to T. gondii, as has
been suggested for other microorganisms (
Jiang et al., 2014;
Peng et al., 2014
). We hypothesized that expression of a
‘‘decoy’’ sgRNA (pCas9/decoy;
Figure 1
A) could prevent toxicity
that might arise from unintended Cas9 activity directed by
Figure 1. Expression of Cas9 Maximizes
Gene Disruption in T. gondii
(A) Constructs used to constitutively express Cas9
in T. gondii. The sequence of the decoy sgRNA is
highlighted (blue), followed by the Cas9-binding
scaffold (orange).
(B) Immunoblot showing expression of FLAG-tag-
ged Cas9 (green) in the strain constitutively ex-
pressing the transgene. ACT1 serves as a loading
control (red).
(C) Cas9 localizes to the parasite nucleus.
ACT1 provides a counterstain and DAPI stains
for host-cell and parasite nuclei. Scale bar,
10 mm.
(D) Chromatogram showing the presence of the
decoy in the Cas9-expressing strain.
(E) The sgRNA expression construct with the py-
rimethamine-resistance selectable marker (DHFR).
The targeting sequence of the SAG1 sgRNA
is highlighted. The timeline indicates the period
of pyrimethamine (pyr) selection (if applied),
passaging to new host cells (P1), and the immu-
nofluorescence assay (IFA).
(F) Representative micrographs showing intra-
cellular parasites 3 days post-transfection.
Parasites were stained for SAG1 (green) and
were stained with DAPI (blue). Scale bar,
60 mm. The efficiency of SAG1 disruption
in wild-type and Cas9-expressing parasites
was measured following different treatments.
Mean ± SD for n = 2 independent experi-
ments; **p < 0.005.
wt, wild-type. n.d., not detected.
2 Cell 167, 1–13, September 22, 2016
CELL 9138
Please cite this article in press as: Sidik et al., A Genome-wide CRISPR Screen in
Toxoplasma Identifies Essential Apicomplexan Genes, Cell
endogenous RNAs. For this purpose, we used an sgRNA that ap-
peared non-functional against the 3
UTR of NHE1. Co-transfec-
tion of pCas9/CAT and pCas9/decoy readily yielded Cas9-ex-
pressing parasites, confirmed by immunoblotting (
Figure 1
and immunofluorescence (
Figure 1
C). As predicted, the Cas9-
expressing strain retained the decoy locus (
Figure 1
D), reinforc-
ing its requirement for constitutive Cas9 expression.
We assessed the efficiency of gene disruption in the Cas9-ex-
pressing strain by expressing an sgRNA against the surface
antigen SAG1. Pyrimethamine treatment of the population
selected for stable integration of the sgRNA expression
vector (pU6-DHFR), which carries the resistant allele of dihydro-
folate reductase (DHFR;
Figure 1
E). SAG1 provides a reliable
measure of gene disruption, because it is dispensable yet stably
maintained in cultured parasites (
Kim and Boothroyd, 1995
3 days after transfection with the sgRNA construct, 70% of
Cas9-expressing parasites had lost SAG1 expression. Pyrimeth-
amine selection further improved SAG1 disruption to 97%
over the same time period (
Figure 1
F). The high efficiency of
CRISPR-mediated gene disruption in Cas9-expressing para-
sites provided the platform for large-scale genetic screens in
T. gondii.
A Genome-scale Genetic Screen Identifies Genes
Involved in Drug Sensitivity
We designed a library of sgRNAs containing ten guides against
each of the 8,158 predicted T. gondii protein-coding genes us-
ing previously described criteria (
Wang et al., 2014
). The library
was cloned into the sgRNA expression vector (
Figure 1
E). 40%
of the parasites that survived transfection integrated the vector
into their genomes (data not shown). We could therefore mea-
sure the relative abundance of each integrated sgRNA by
next-generation sequencing. Since the frequency of a given
sgRNA corresponds to the relative abundance of parasites car-
rying the targeted disruption, the change in relative abundance
from the composition of the plasmid library before transfection
indicates the enrichment or depletion of a given mutant. We
defined the average log
fold change in abundance for sgRNAs
targeting a given gene as the ‘‘phenotype’’ score for that gene
Figure 2
A). To determine whether we could maintain diversity
over time, we transfected the library into both wild-type and
Cas9-expressing parasites and sampled the populations after
each of three lytic cycles (
Figure 2
B, left). The representation
of guides against all genes remained stable over the course of
the experiment in the absence of Cas9. In contrast, sgRNAs
against specific genes were lost from the Cas9-expressing
population (
Figure 2
C), indicating that a diverse set of mutants
had been generated.
To investigate the compatibility of our screen with positive-se-
lection strategies, we treated pools of mutants with 5-fluoro-
deoxyuridine (FUDR), which is toxic to parasites through its
incorporation into pyrimidine pools. Three lytic cycles after trans-
fection with the library, we split the Cas9-expressing parasites
into cultures with or without FUDR (
Figure 2
B, right). As ex-
pected, FUDR-treated cultures recovered slowly, and untreated
cultures were passaged two or three times over the same period.
Measuring the sgRNAs in the two populations revealed that
FUDR strongly selected against uracil phosphoribosyltransfer-
ase (UPRT) activity, observed as an increased abundance of
sgRNAs against UPRT and the highly reproducible phenotype
score for the gene (
Figures 2
D and 2E). Since loss of UPRT—a
component of the pyrimidine salvage pathway—is known to
confer FUDR resistance (
Donald and Roos, 1995
), this experi-
ment demonstrates the power of this approach to rapidly and
efficiently identify positively selected mutants from a T. gondii
A Genome-scale Genetic Screen Identifies
Fitness-Conferring Genes in T. gondii
Loss of sgRNAs from a population of mutants can serve to iden-
tify genes that contribute to cellular fitness (
Wang et al., 2015
). In
the context of our T. gondii screen, the changes in sgRNA repre-
sentation observed after the third lytic cycle provided a conve-
nient measure of a gene’s contribution to fitness. This time point
resembled the gene rankings of later cycles (
Figure 2
F) while
minimizing the chance of stochastic guide loss. We calculated
the mean phenotype score for each parasite gene from four
biological replicates of the screen. Genes that contribute to para-
site fitness, represented by negative scores, were distributed
throughout the genome and did not segregate by gene length
or position on the chromosome (
Figure 3
A). Gene set enrichment
analysis (GSEA) (
Croken et al., 2014; Subramanian et al., 2005
showed that genes predicted to be essential, like those encoding
ribosomal and proteasomal constituents, were enriched in low
phenotype scores (
Figure 3
B). Genes that encode components
of the apicoplast—a plastid common to most apicomplex-
ans—showed a similar enrichment, in accordance with the
essential metabolic functions performed by this organelle
Seeber and Soldati-Favre, 2010
). In contrast, specialized secre-
tory organelles like the micronemes, dense granules, and rhop-
tries had fewer genes with low phenotype scores, possibly re-
flecting functional redundancy or dispensability in cell culture
Figure 3
We analyzed the screen results for 81 genes previously re-
ported to be either dispensable or essential for T. gondii growth
in human fibroblasts (
Table S1
). The two groups of genes were
clearly segregated on the basis of their phenotype scores (p =
3 10
), with lower scores for the essential genes (
ure 3
D). The most prominent outlier was RAB4, which appeared
to be essential based on overexpression of a dominant-negative
allele (
Kremer et al., 2013
). However, we readily obtained RAB4
knockouts that grew normally (
Figure S1
), demonstrating its
dispensability in cell culture. We therefore excluded RAB4 and,
for consistency, other genes classified by overexpression exper-
iments from subsequent analyses. To predict which genes might
contribute to parasite fitness, we compared the phenotype score
and distribution of sgRNAs for each gene to the values of 40
known dispensable genes. Using 10-fold cross validation on
the set of control genes, we estimate this method can classify
genes with >95% accuracy. Based on these results, we expect
$40% of T. gondii genes significantly contribute to parasite
fitness under the conditions tested.
To further classify the fitness-conferring genes, we compared
our predictions to other measures of gene function. Genes that
are not expressed during the examined developmental stage
are more likely to appear dispensable. Accordingly, only 6.9%
Cell 167, 1–13, September 22, 2016 3
CELL 9138
Please cite this article in press as: Sidik et al., A Genome-wide CRISPR Screen in
Toxoplasma Identifies Essential Apicomplexan Genes, Cell
of the fitness-conferring genes were found in the lowest quartile
of expression, in contrast to 38.6% of genes predicted to be
dispensable (
Figure 3
E). Genes under purifying selection are
also more likely to be essential (
Jordan et al., 2002
). Low ratios
of non-synonymous to synonymous mutation rates (d
) are
consistent with purifying selection. Comparison of syntenic
genes between related species or other T. gondii strains re-
vealed the expected enrichment for low phenotype scores
among genes with low d
values (
Figures 3
F and
). As an
extension of the same principle, genes found in a greater propor-
tion of eukaryotic genomes are more likely to be essential. To
test this prediction, we assessed the depth of conservation of
T. gondii genes using ortholog groupings of 79 eukaryotic ge-
nomes available through OrthoMCL DB (
Chen et al., 2006
). The
distribution of phenotype scores within each category followed
the predicted trend, which correlated depth of conservation
with contribution to fitness and functional annotation (
Figure 3
The strong agreement of our results with published observations
and expected trends allows us to confidently predict which
genes will contribute to parasite fitness.
Functional Characterization of Fitness-Conferring
Genes Conserved in Apicomplexans
We focused our efforts on the
$200 fitness-conferring genes that
lacked functional annotation and were only present in apicom-
plexans, which we called indispensable conserved apicom-
plexan proteins (ICAPs). We examined the subcellular localiza-
tion of 28 ICAPs using CRISPR-mediated endogenous tagging
to introduce a C-terminal Ty epitope into each targeted gene
Figure 4
A). 3 days post-transfection,
$60% of the populations
Figure 2. Using Pooled Screens to Identify Genes Responsible for Drug Sensitivity
(A) Schematic depiction of the pooled CRISPR screen. Cas9-expressing parasites are transfected with the sgRNA library and grown in human foreskin fibroblasts
(HFFs). At various time points, sgRNAs are amplified and enumerated by sequencing to determine relative abundance and phenotype scores for individual genes.
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