Smith Rebolledo (2018). handbook for Exploratory AR (1)
‘Sign’: n. ‘Something regarded as an indication of what is happening or going to happen’ 1 Signs of success can include seeing your students smiling
while doing a task, or hearing them speak to each other
about a task or feeling the task is going well from your own
experience. This is useful and valid information. However,
signs sometimes only provide a partial view of situations.
They can:
ignore the perception of students
give information only about one aspect of the situation
mask other aspects of a situation that cannot be easily
‘seen’ or heard’
make us overlook information which can be useful to get
new understandings of a situation.
Some teachers we have been working with told us how their
initial thoughts about a situation changed when they looked
at it more closely, from other perspectives – in other words,
when they opened their eyes and ears more and/or
‘borrowed’ others’ eyes and ears. Here are a couple of
“This exploratory research helped me be more aware of what I am doing in the classroom; unfortunately, I had been looking for what my students were doing wrong instead of what I was doing wrong. In other words, we need to have a look at the whole process before judging the students’ performance.” (Leyla Nuñez) “From this exploration, the first finding was very surprising for me. Before the research I thought they didn’t want me to speak in class. But in their answers to my questionnaire a little more than a half of them said they wanted a class in English. It was a total change of my point of view.” (Daniel Santana) “As a teacher, when we have doubts about our own methods in the lesson, we need to focus on our students’ interests before focusing on the content. We usually think that the content is the problem, but it may not be that.” (Camila Villalobos) These teachers realised that by taking a more careful look
at a particular situation, their views changed. In other
words, the signs they previously had of what was working
or not working were incomplete or simply inappropriate to
explain a situation. This is why the collection of additional
information is important and is needed for understanding
a situation better, in greater detail and from different
perspectives. The information collected can be useful to
make interpretations of a given situation turn into evidence
of what happened.
Oxford English Dictionary I saw
I heard
I felt