A review on speaker recognition: Technology and challenges

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In this survey, the aim is to explore speaker recognition in depth, starting by describing the types of biometrics and their char­acteristics. The difference between speaker recognition and speech recognition was highlighted in this paper to avoid misusing these words. Speaker recognition and its applications in the real-world were explained. A summary of the chronology of advancements in speaker recognition in the past decade was presented. The technology of speech signal processing was explained, and issues related to variability, insufficient data, and background noise were identified as challenges in getting robust speaker recognition systems.
Table 6
Progress in speaker recognition in the last decade.

Author/ Year

Features extraction



Population(No. of speakers)

Accuracy (%)


DWT (Daubechis, Symlets, Coiflets)


Self-generated - 2 Czech Speaker Corpora (Czech language)

Corpora 1 - 10,
Corpora 2 - 50

SYML20 with MLP = 98% IR




(Marathi Language)


99.9% IR




(English Language)


80% for both limited and noisy data


13 MFCCs + 13Д + 13ДД


Self-generated (Arabic Language)


100% for text dependent, 80% for text-independent


13 MFCCs + 13Д + 13ДД


KING Speech (English Language)


98.76% IR




VoxForge, NIST 2003 (English Language)


93% IR



LFA-SVM Linear Kernel

(English Language)


82.84% IR




(English Language)






Self-generated (English, Hindi & Marathi Language), SRL82 (Chinese Language)


CNN = 71% IR for SRL82;
CNN = 75% IR for real-world voice sample




LibriSpeech (English language)


AFEASI = 0.95 accuracy




Self-generated (Marathi Language)


Neutral speech = 98.6% IR;
Whisper speech = 55.8% IR



Not mentioned

Self-generated (English Language), MVSR-IITG (Hindi Language)


98%- 100% IR


Short-term magnitude




ResNet-50 = 3.95% EER




VoxCeleb1 (Multi-languages)





CMN2 (Arabic language), VAST


E-TDDN = 4.95% EER;
E-TDDN = 11.1% EER




Mobile recordings (GBR-ENG), Landline recordings (English language)


x-vector = 1.40% EER


MFCCs + Phase Information


NTT, JNAS (Japanese Language)


98.8% IR


i-vector + d-vector


Self-generated (Chinese Language)


~ 2% EER



Pearson’s correlation

Self-generated (not mentioned)


WRA = 100%, 93.33% IR




TIMIT_8 (English Language)


Uncoded speech = 0.91% EER, Synthesized speech = 12.5% EER


(MFCC + time-based)


LibriSpeech (English language)








97.52% for clean speech, 86.70% for AWGN noise,
85.70% for babble noise, 85.96% for street noise

Adversarial attacks were also discussed as they have become a serious issue when dealing with machine learning and deep learning. The structure of speaker recognition and the choices on classifiers were explained thoroughly.

There is currently a great demand for the development of technologies that integrate biometric systems due to their wide range of applications, especially when the identification of the individual is needed. Following years of research and development, devices that use voice as the primary mode of interaction, such as Google Home, Amazon Echo (Alexa), Apple’s Siri, and Samsung’s Bixby, are now widely available. Most of these are used in households where multiple people are expected to interact with the device. Such tools and technology gain popularity not only for home usage but also for making the interaction between human and humanoid robots more realistic. Despite the vast amount of work in this area, there are still significant challenges in getting highly accurate systems for practical scenarios.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors would like to thank Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) for funding this research.

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Rafizah Mohd Hanifa obtained her bachelor’s degree in computer science from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in 1999, followed by a master’s degree in Information Technology from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) in 2001. She is currently a Ph.D. student at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). Her research interests include speech processing, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality.
Khalid Isa graduated from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2001 with a BSc in Computer Science. He pursued his MSc. in Computer Systems Engineering and Com­munications at Universiti Putra Malaysia, graduated in 2005. In 2014, he completed his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Universiti Sains Malaysia, specialized in Computational Intelligence and Underwater Robotics.
Shamsul Mohamad obtained his BSc and MSc in Computer Science from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 1999 and Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2004 respectively. He completed his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, with a specialization in Crowd Simulation. His-research interests include crowd simulation, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things.

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