In business, a unique selling proposition (USP) is a benefit that sets a company, product, or brand apart from its competitors. It's a marketing statement that communicates a clear message about a product or service to potential customers.
What is the USP?
The company organized a cluster method of production, created its own raw material base, and subsequently effectively regulates the cost of final products Art Soft Tex is a dynamically developing company that is interested in expanding regional dealer relations, as well as in organization of direct wholesale deliveries of their products to customers at the most favorable conditions.
In January 2015, a complete re-equipment of the main production was completed and the latest models and machines from leading European manufacturers were installed. An important event in the development was the decision of the Company's management to expand the scope of activities, namely in the supply of raw materials. To do this, with the support of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it was decided to establish a farm "Art Soft Tex" in Minbulak and Pap districts of Namangan region on the basis of Namangan Momiq Sochiqlari LLC.
How does it make a profit?
They make a profit by selling what they manufacture and their stocks.