What are your future study plans?
It will take me 7-8 months more or so to finish my graduation and then I will try to get admitted to a foreign university which has a reputation for better education. There I will complete my Master’s degree and would get involved in a job. Besides doing the job I have plans to get enrolled in a professional MBS course to further my education. If time allows, I also wish to do some research based courses related to my academic background and interest.
• What kind of job would you prefer after graduation?
I would prefer to work in a multinational company which will offer me a position related to my academic background and have a positive working environment to learn and explore new things. I would not worry too much about my designation and salary initially but the company must have sufficient scope for career enhancement.
• Kelgusi o'quv rejalaringiz qanday?
Bitirishni tugatish uchun menga 7-8 oy ko'proq yoki ko'proq vaqt kerak bo'ladi, keyin esa yaxshi ma'lumot bilan obro'ga ega bo'lgan chet el universitetiga o'qishga kirishga harakat qilaman. U erda men magistraturani tamomlayman va ishga kiraman. Bu ishni bajarish bilan bir qatorda, o'z bilimimni oshirish uchun MBSning professional kursiga o'qishga kirishni rejalashtirganman. Agar vaqt imkon bersa, men ham ilmiy ma'lumotim va qiziqishim bilan bog'liq tadqiqotlarga asoslangan darslar o'tkazmoqchiman.
• O'qishni tugatgandan so'ng qanday ishni afzal ko'rasiz?
Men o'zimning ilmiy ma'lumotim bilan bog'liq pozitsiyani taklif qiladigan va yangi narsalarni o'rganish va o'rganish uchun ijobiy ish muhitiga ega bo'lgan ko'p millatli kompaniyada ishlashni afzal ko'raman. Dastlab lavozimga tayinlanishim va ish haqim haqida juda ko'p tashvishlanmas edim, ammo kompaniyada martaba oshirish uchun etarli imkoniyat bo'lishi kerak.
• What is your career plan after you graduate?
For the first few years, I will work in a multinational company. Then maybe in 10 years, I will plan to start my own business. I would like to be an entrepreneur rather than working in a company for the rest of my life. I know being an entrepreneur is not that easy and it requires a lot of dedication and commitment. However, I would work to fulfil this plan after I finish my graduation.
• O'qishni tugatgandan so'ng martaba rejangiz qanday?
Birinchi bir necha yil ichida men ko'p millatli kompaniyada ishlayman. Keyin 10 yildan keyin o'z biznesimni boshlashni rejalashtirgandirman. Men umrimning oxirigacha kompaniyada ishlashdan ko'ra tadbirkor bo'lishni xohlardim. Bilaman, tadbirkor bo'lish u qadar oson emas va bu juda katta fidoyilik va sadoqatni talab qiladi. Ammo, men bitiruvni tugatgandan keyin ushbu rejani bajarish uchun harakat qilardim.
• Why are you taking the IELTS test?
I am mainly taking the test to achieve a band score I require to apply in most of the reputed universities in Australia or Canada. As I have my plans to complete my Master’s degree in a reputed foreign university, the IELTS score is a pre-requisite to prove my ability to handle the language – English, and I need the score to even apply to those universities.
• Nega IELTS imtihonini topshirayapsiz?
Men asosan Avstraliya yoki Kanadadagi taniqli universitetlarning ko'pchiligida topshirishim kerak bo'lgan balli natijalarga erishish uchun testdan o'tmoqdaman. Magistraturamni taniqli xorijiy universitetda tamomlashni rejalashtirganim uchun, IELTS ballari mening til - ingliz tili bilan ishlash qobiliyatimni isbotlash uchun zaruriy shartdir va men hatto ushbu universitetlarga hujjat topshirishim uchun bal kerak.
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