ANNOTATSIYA Ushbu dissertatsiya mavzusining dolzarbligi: O’zbekiston Respublikasi mustaqillikka erishgan dastlabki kunlardanoq xalqimiz tarixiymadaniy merosini qayta tiklash va undan jamiyatni ma'naviy yangilashda unumli foydalanish zarurati tug’ildi. Chunki, jamiyat taraqqiyotidagi har qanday o’zgarishlar, yangiliklar, ayniqsa, insoniyat rivojiga turtki beradigan jarayonlar, kashfiyotlar o’z-o’zidan yuz bermaydi. Buning uchun avvalo, asriy an'analar, tegishli shart-sharoit, tafakkur maktabi, madaniy-ma'rifiy muhit mavjud bo’lmog‘i kerak. Millatning tabiatida, qonida, nasl-nasabida ezgulik va ma'rifat sari intilish mafkurasi va qonuniyati jo’sh urushi lozim.
ANNOTATION The relevance of the subject of this dissertation: from the first days of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, there was a need to restore the historical and cultural heritage of our nation and use it effectively in the spiritual renewal of society. Because any changes and innovations in the development of society, especially the processes and discoveries that stimulate the development of humanity, do not happen by themselves. For this, first of all, age-old traditions, relevant conditions, a school of thought, and a cultural-educational environment should exist. The ideology and legality of striving for goodness and enlightenment in the nature, blood, and lineage of the nation must be vigorously fought.