access to health for communities , the IFRC
focused on the future pandemic accord and tar-
geted amendments to the International Health
Regulations, drawing from lessons learned from
COVID-19 and other public health emergencies
to ensure reforms are meaningful not just on
paper, but in practice.
This included raising awareness of the need for
equitable access to all health services, including
through stronger community health systems;
guiding principles for more inclusive and effec-
tive regional and domestic legal frameworks;
and the critical roles of local actors and com-
munities in pandemic prevention, preparedness
and response. These messages were further
developed in the IFRC’s
World Disasters Report 2022 (see Spotlight).
At the inter-agency level, the IFRC continued
to advocate for improvements to the COVAX
Humanitarian Buffer mechanism (until its
closing) and engaged in early meetings with
WHO officials related to the development of
the Health Emergency Preparedness and
Response framework.
At the UN in New York, the IFRC continued its
advocacy on health, notably through the pro-
cesses around the two High Level Meetings
on Universal Health Coverage and Pandemic
PPR. It is now a member of the UHC 2030
Steering Committee, and co-organizes, with
the Permanent Mission of Thailand and the
UN Foundation, a series of technical dialogues
on new programmes and approaches to reach
Universal Health Coverage goals.
The IFRC continued to co-convene the Grand
Localization Workstream together with
Denmark (formally replacing Switzerland in May
2022),and coordinated the various Workstream
initiatives focusing on country level engagement,
funding, partnership with intermediaries, and
capacity strengthening.
Policy engagement outside of the Grand Bargain
include inputs on the draft
ECHO Guidance on the Promotion of Equal Partnerships with Local Responders in coordination with the Red Cross
EU Office and the
USAID Policy for Localization of Humanitarian Assistance . IFRC participated in the
Humanitarian Network and Partnerships Weeks
(May) and led the Localization and Coordination
Areas of Common Concern.