Systolic ejection murmur at the aortic area transmitted to the neck and apex for mild or moderate cases
Palpable left ventricular heave or thrill, a weak to absent aortic second sound, or reversed splitting of the second sound are present in severe cases of AS because of prolonged ejection time
S4 is common and reflects increased atrial contribution to ventricular filling
Symptoms of Aortic Stenosis
AS is asymptomatic until the valve orifice has narrowed to approximately 0.5 cm²/m² body surface area of adults
The condition is first diagnosed based on detection of a systolic murmur on auscultation that can be explained by the gradual process of obstruction
Three Cardinal Symptoms of AS
Exertional dyspnea
Exertional angina
Exertional syncope
Exertional Dyspnea
Is a result of elevation of the pulmonary capillary pressure secondary to reduced compliance and/or LV dilatation
Exertional Angina
Usually develops later and reflects an imbalance between the augmented myocardial oxygen requirements and reduced oxygen availability
Exertional Syncope
Caused by arrhythmias (usually ventricular tachycardia and bradycardias), hypotension, or decreased cerebral perfusion resulting from increased blood flow to exercising muscles without compensatory increase in cardiac output
Helpful in estimating pulmonary systolic pressure and in identifying other cardiac abnormalities
TEE – displays the obstructive orifice extremely well
Dobutamine Echocardiography
Indicated in patients with moderate aortic stenosis and LV dysfunction to predict the reversibility of LV dysfunction after AVR
Pts. With AS, LV dysfunction, and relatively low gradients have better outcome when management decisions are based on the results of dobutamine echocardiogram (Schwammenthal, et al, 2001)
Cardiac Catheterization
Indicated for hemodynamic evaluation whenever there is discrepancy between the clinical picture and echocardiography
Indicated for young, asymptomatic patients with noncalcific congenital AS, to define the severity of obstruction to LV outflow
Indicated for patients in whom it is suspected that the obstruction to LV outflow may not be at the aortic valve but rather in the sub or supra-valvular regions
Also indicated to evaluate the coronaries in AS patients at risk for coronary artery disease
Grading of Aortic Stenosis
The aortic valve area must be reduced to one-fourth of its normal size before significant changes in the circulation occur
But with the onset of LV systolic dysfunction, the use of inotropic agent may be advocated
Surgical Management
AVR is indicated for symptomatic patients
AVR improves survival in patients with depressed as well as normal LV function
The risks of surgery and prosthetic valve complications outweigh the benefits of preventing sudden cardiac death and prolonged survival in asymptomatic patient
Types of Valves
Bioprosthesis (Porcine)
Mechanical (St. Jude)
Bioprosthesis vs. Mechanical Valves
Bioprosthesis valves are less durable than mechanical valves and begin to deteriorate after 5-6 years; usually do not require long-term coagulation
Mechanical valve was associated with significantly lower 15 year mortality compared with bioprosthesis valve (66% vs. 79%) (Hammermeister, et al, 2000).
Mechanical valves are less obstructive than stented bioprosthesis valves of the same size (Bech-Hanssen, et al, 1999).
Despite a better survival rate with mechanical valve, the choice of valve should be tailored to the patient’s needs.
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