Summary. The importance of the theories and views of thousands of great people who lived in this region in enriching the content and essence of our national idea, which is being developed today, is immeasurable. Honoring the traditional spiritual values formed at the base of these views and turning them into a way of life created unique features in our national character. Since traditions are close to the spirit and pain of the people, their use in instilling the national idea into the minds and hearts of the people has a positive effect. Through traditions, it is possible to determine such features as the inner world, level of thinking, social and spiritual ideals of the ethnic unity. The vitality of the national idea, the principles of nationalism are developed as a result of studying these features. In this sense, it would be a great practical help to create a national idea, to research the traditions one by one, and to apply the results to ideological practice, to inculcate the national idea in the minds and hearts of the people. One of the important problems of today is to systematize ideas of all forms that preserve traditional features, to develop an ideological paradigm with a traditional essence in order to preserve the identity of our people in an unstable era.
Summarizing the above points, the "New Development Strategy of Uzbekistan" implemented in our country takes nourishment from the traditional values formed in the process of socio-historical development of our nation, helps to preserve them as a national-cultural wealth, and to create the material and moral foundations of their effective use in the formation of a new generation. Modernization in any social reality can never reject traditional values, and reforms that are not based on gradualism will not find a place in the minds and hearts of the people.
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