SteptwoandStepthree - According to the client’s instructions, Azercell is checking the balance, whether it is enough to make the respective payment. Feedback or balance information received by Azercell constitutes Stepthree of the process.
Step four - If the balance is sufficient for the payment amount, the process continues with the appropriate instructions of Azercell to the Clearing Center.
Step five -The Clearing Center sends an information request to Pasha Bank about the one-time virtual card creation for the user with the balance equal to the amount of utility payment to be fulfilled.
Stepsix - Consequently, Bank reverts with the notification of the created virtual card.
Step seven - Afterwards, Clearing Center provides payment documents to the “Provider,” which is Data Processing Center (under “Smart Pay” brand) and payment confirmation is received by the Clearing Center accordingly that refer to Stepseight and nine.
Then, at Stepten Clearing center simultaneously sends information on the payment status to Azercell and at Stepeleven - provides instructions regarding cancellation of the virtual card to the Bank.
Step twelve - After finalization of the full process reconciliation of funds is executed among the Azercell, Pasha Bank and Data Processing Center (“Smart Pay”) on a monthly basis and consequently, the commission is paid to Azercell based on the volume of transactions made.
The United Business Model Development
Considering that the service is new for Azercell, and the implementation and acquisition of the service will take additional promotions, the product development can be divided into the short term and long-term business models. The short-term model will be designed for the first six months, and after getting the modest market awareness, the second stage of the business model will be designated for the long term.