The mesh of square cells that make up a TUFLOW model.
Computational point located in the centre of a 2D cell.
The elevation of the base (bottom) of a culvert or other structure.
Initial Water Level
land cell
A land cell is one that will never wet, ie. an inactive cell.
A GIS data layer (referred to as a “table” in MapInfo).
A GIS object defining a straight line defined by two points. See also, polyline (Pline).
Material type.
Term used to describe a bed resistance category. Examples of different materials are: river, river bank, mangroves, roads, grazing land, sugar cane, parks, etc.
“MI” indicates input or output is in the MIF/MID format. Two files, the .mif and .mid files as written by a GIS, are opened or saved.
“MID” indicates input or output is in the format of a .mid file as written by a GIS. This format is a comma delimited format and is commensurate with the .csv format used by Microsoft Office. The input file can have any extension (eg. .csv). These files can be opened in a text editor, Microsoft Excel and other software.
MapInfo Industry standard GIS import/export format.
Water level computation point in a 1D domain.
Node in a finite element mesh used for viewing 2D results in SMS. The nodes are located at the cell corners.
Node is also used by MapInfo to refer to vertices along a polyline or a region (polygon).
null cell
A null cell is an inactive 2D cell used for defining the inactive side of an external boundary.
The elevation of the underside (soffit) of a culvert or other structure.
A node with attributes that are used to define a pit channel.
pit channel
A small channel inserted at a pit typically used to convey water from overland 2D domains to 1D pipe networks.
GIS object representing a point on the earth’s surface. A point has no length or area.
See region.