Tuflow and estry manual Version 3

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New ecf command “S Channel Approach == [PRE 2004-06-AA ]” to use the S channel approach prior to 2004-06-AA for backward compatibility.

This only affects S channels when the downstream end is dry and also applies the Froude Check value more correctly as being squared (ie. a number of 0.64 entered for Froude Check prior to 2004-06-AA would now be entered as 0.8).


First Sweep Direction default set to POSITIVE. For backward compatibility, set to AUTOMATIC.

Testing as shown that this change should have virtually no effect, with changes in the order of less than one mm.


Set the alignment of oblique boundaries as nearest to line as the default. Need to specify “Oblique Boundary Alignment == CENTRE TO CENTRE” for backward compatibility.

May change which cells become boundary cells along a 2d_bc line.


An ERROR is now given if the ZC on a 2D HX cell lies below the bed of the 1D domain. HX ZC Check == OFF tcfSXZCCheckcan be used to suppress this check.

This check prevents the possibility of a surge of water entering the 2D domain once the 1D domain becomes wet. It is recommended that any 2D HX cells needing adjustment are raised.


Fixed bug that assigned an incorrect value to top of section flow width for channel sections read from fixed field flow width (CS) tables.

Only effects fixed field CS table input where the water level exceeds the top of the channel. Only applies from Build 2002 07 AB.


Now use the Divergence attribute in 1d_nwk layer to represent %blockage on culverts. For R culverts, the culvert width is reduced by the %blockage, while for circular culverts the pipe diameter is reduced by the square root of the %blockage. Divergence field is now not used.

Any channel that had a non-zero divergence attribute will now have slightly different results. Divergence is not known to be used. However, a backward compatible switch will be provided upon request.


Fixed bug that failed to allocate 2D SX cells from 2d_bc SX polylines. Only effects one cell along each line segment after the first line segment. Does not affect single segment polylines or points.

Slight change in results may occur at relevant 2d_bc SX polylines.


Fixed bug that incorrectly calculated the flow interchange into a 1D node across a 2D HX line where a flow constriction (FC) cell shared a common boundary with a 2D HX cell. Not fully corrected until 2003 06 AD.

Flow balance between 1D and 2D domains significantly affected, particularly if the FC cells are submerged.


Fixed long-standing bug (at least going back to code from pre-1990) for 1D VG channels.

Possibly incorrect variable geometry changes to the 1D channel.


2d_po time-series output by default synchronised with 1D domain time-series output. No effect on results.

May change when 1D domain time-series output occurs. See Output Times Same as 2D for backward compatibility.


Fixed rare bug that incorrectly selected 2D cells or Zpts within a region (polygon) object when the first vertex in the region is repeated elsewhere in the region (except the last vertex). This may occur as a result of “sloppy” digitising, or, for example, a polygon that has a “figure of eight” shape.

Different 2D cells or Zpts adjusted by the Read MI command.


Parallel channel calculations for a composite cross-section from a 1d_ta XZ table link now split up based on changes in material values when using materials for a 1d_ta XZ cross-section. Previously, the split was based on a change in Manning’s n value.

Only effects the calculation of a channel’s hydraulic properties if two adjacent materials have the same Manning’s n value.


Now sets initial water levels at 1D HX boundaries (which are normally automatically generated from 2D SX boundaries) to initial water levels at the 2D SX cells.

If initial water levels between 1D and 2D domains are different, slightly different results at model startup may occur.


Incorporated another upstream friction controlled flow check for 1D “S” channels and 2D domains that reduces the Froude No check by the ratio of the upstream depth to the downstream depth when the downstream depth is greater than the upstream depth. This prevents overestimation of flows occurring when a steeply sloping flowpath is shallow at its u/s end and very deep at the d/s end. Use Froude Depth Adjustment (.ecf file) and/or Froude Depth Adjustment (.tcf file) in 2003-01-AF for backward compatibility.

May cause slightly different results. Froude Depth Adjustment (.ecf file) and/or Froude Depth Adjustment (.tcf file) provide backward compatibility.


Improvement to culverts Method B to trap vibrating or unstable culverts.

May cause different results at culverts previously unstable.


Improvements to automatic switching to 2D upstream controlled flow.

Will cause different results in models previously experiencing upstream controlled friction flow. See Supercritical.



Improvements to culverts Method B for regimes C and D for steep culverts with high entrance velocities.

May cause slightly different results, although previously model was likely to be unstable.


Improved reading of .csv files. Fixes a bug where if text starting with a “F”, “f”, “T” or a “t” was found when serching for the first boundary time or value, it was interpreted as a 0 or 1, rather than ignoring it and proceeding to next line.

Now requires that column names specified in 1d_bc, 2d_bc and 1d_ta layers are fully specified – previously would allow a substring.

Now correctly allows spaces in a column heading.

May read boundary time-series data differently.


Adjusts velocity vector output in SMS where upstream controlled weir flow occurs to that corresponding to critical depth.

May cause slightly higher velocities to be observed at 2D weirs. Does not affect any other results.


Fixed several bugs relating to relative resistance for XZ data via a 1d_ta layer.

Unlikely to be a problem as the relative resistance did not work correctly, producing significantly incorrect hydraulic properties for cross-sections.


Included check that compares the ZC elevation with the ESTRY node bed elevation at SX 2d_bc objects. The ZC elevation should be below the lowest channel connected to the node.

This check may stop old models from running. The ZC point(s) should be lowered or the “Z” flag used to automatically lower the ZC point (see SX objects in Table 4 .25). Alternatively, SX ZC Check in the .tcf file can be used to provide backward compatibility.


Changed default Culvert Flow method from Method A to Method B.

For backward compatibility, set the Culvert Flow method to Method A.


Fixed rare bug that effected the determination of 2D cells falling inside a polygon (eg. a material polygon).

May affect Read MI commands using polygons.


Corrected an adjustment to ESTRY water levels at nodes to the highest elevation in the NA table if the water level exceeds this elevation. In unusual cases, if it is not detected as an instability, it causes mass balance problems

Not believed to be an issue as normally the model is detected as being unstable. This problem arose when water levels were allowed to rise above NA and CS tables using Depth Limit Factor.


Changed how 1D storage is allocated to nodes using the channel widths. Storage above bridge and culvert obverts is now NOT included.

May affect automatic node storage tables.


Improved upstream controlled weir flow along a HX line when flow is from the 1D domain to the 2D domain. Water level was previously being converted to an upstream energy level (as done in the 2D domain) using an extrapolated velocity based on the downstream velocity (this caused instabilities and is not really valid). Water level at HX cells now taken as a energy level.

Significantly improved stability and performance at HX boundaries if upstream controlled weir flow is occurring into the 2D domain. May very slightly change results in previous models around HX boundaries only if upstream controlled weir flow occurs into the 2D domain. Unlikely to be the case in many models as it is only with the advent of a 1D domain being carved through a 2D domain that this feature has been needed (eg. flow across a levee from 1D creek to 2D floodplain), and only a few models of this type had been developed at the time of this build.


Fixed bug that adjusted unspecified Zpts when using the ADD or MAX option when reading Zpts.

May cause changes to bed levels in areas where no Zpts specified. Unlikely to be a problem as unrealistic elevations would have occurred prior to this build.


Improvements related to suppressing inertia term at free-overfalling points when water level on downstream side falls below level of cell side.

Testing shows little effect on results, however, new feature offers marginally better stability. Also more technically correct.


Improved performance of Read MI Z Line Thick in picking up ZC and ZH points.

May slightly change the number of ZC values picked up. Unlikely to change results to any significance.


Fixed bug where a gully line (see Read MI Z Line Gully) segment is exactly vertical. The Zpts were not adjusted.

Prior to this build, Zpts were not adjusted along exactly vertical gully line segments.


Changed default Global FC Ch Factor to 0.8 (previously 0.6).

Effects results very slightly if upstream controlled pressure flow occurs at a flow constriction. Set Global FC Ch Factor to 0.6 for backward compatibility.


Number of minor improvements to upstream controlled weir flow across cell sides. Also, general weir factor changed from 1.2 to 1.0.

Test models give same results under steady-state conditions. Better transitioning between upstream and downstream regimes. May cause very slight changes to results.


Fixed bug that incorrectly applied the Manning’s n value of a FC. The correct Manning’s n value was applied, but in some cases, offset spatially.

Has a very slight localised influence at any FCs that specified a Manning’s n adjustment. Checks on models showed slight localised changes in levels of up to a few cms.


Finalised flow calculations when a FC is submerged on the upstream side and unsubmerged on the downstream side.

May very slightly effect results local to a FC during submergence.


Fixed bug that accidentally zeroed initial velocities from a restart file.

May effect models that used restart files prior to this build. Any effects would only be discernable during the start of the simulation.


Bugs and improvements to calculation of flow across a “Q” PO line.

No effect on computational results. May only effect accuracy of post-processed flow calculations.


Bug found in relation to the Smagorinsky Coefficient. The Smagorinsky formula was not applied at all steps in the solution, with the constant viscosity being applied instead.

Smagorinsky coefficient rarely used in models up until this point. No known significant effects on models, although would explain the slightly unusual result during TUFLOW testing in Syme 1998.

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