Tuflow and estry manual Version 3

Appendix A.tcf File Commands

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Appendix A.tcf File Commands

Adjust Head at Estry Interface

Apply Wave Radiation Stresses

Apply Wind Stresses
BC Control File

BC Database

BC Event Name

BC Event Text

Bed Resistance Values
Calibration Points MI File

Cell Wet/Dry Depth

Cell Side Wet/Dry Depth

Cell Size

Check Inside Grid

Check MI Save Date

Check MI Save Ext

CSV Time
Depth/Ripple Height Factor Limit

Display Water Level
End 2D Domain

End Time

ESTRY Control File

Excel Start Date

Extrapolate Heads at Flow Boundaries
First Sweep Direction

Free Overfall

Free Overfall Factor

Froude Check

Froude Depth Adjustment
Geometry Control File

Global FC Ch Factor

Global Weir Factor
HX ZC Check
Instability Water Level

Log Folder
Map Output Data Types

Map Output Format

Map Output Interval

Mass Balance Output

MI Projection
Null Cell Checks

Number Iterations
Oblique Boundary Alignment

Oblique Boundary Method

Output Folder
Recalculate Chezy Interval

Read File

Read Materials File

Read MI FC




Read MI LP

Read MI PO

Read Restart File
Screen/Log Display Interval


Shallow Depth Weir Factor Cut Off Depth

Shallow Depth Weir Factor Multiplier

Snap Tolerance

Start 2D Domain

Start Map Output

Start Time

Start Time Series Output

Start Wind Output at Time

Store Maximums and Minimums


SX ZC Check
Time Series Output Interval


Timestep During Warmup
Unused HX and SX Connections
Viscosity Coefficient

Viscosity Formulation
Warmup Time

Water Level Checks

Wave Period

Wetting and Drying

Wind Output Interval

Write Check Files

Write Empty MI Files

Write PO Online

Write Restart File at Time

Write Restart File Interval
Zero Negative Depths in SMS

A.1Geographic Reference Commands (.tcf)

Latitude == [ {0} | ] 8

MI Projection == [ <.mif file> |
] 8

Snap Tolerance == [ {0.001} | ] 9

BC Control File == <.tbc_file> 17

Check MI Save Date == [ {ERROR} | WARNING | OFF ] 17

Check MI Save Ext == [ {.tab} | ] 17

End 2D Domain 18

ESTRY Control File [ {} | Auto] == <.ecf_file> 18

Geometry Control File == <.tgc_file> 18

Log Folder == 18

Output Folder == 18

Read File == 18

Start 2D Domain == [ {} | <2d_domain_name> ] 19

Write Check Files == [ | {OFF} ] 19

Write Empty MI Files == [ {} | ] 20

End Time == 28

Number Iterations == [ {2} | ] 28

Start Time == 28

Timestep == 28

Timestep During Warmup == [ {timestep} |  ] 29

Warmup Time == [ {0} | ] 29

Calibration Points MI File == <.mif/.mid_file> 37

Display Water Level == , 37

Map Output Data Types == [ d E F {h} q R SS t {V} Z1 Z2 Z3 ZH ] 37

Map Output Format == [ {SMS} | SMS WITH LAND CELLS | RMA2 ] 38

Map Output Interval == 38

Mass Balance Output == [ ON | {OFF} ] 38

Read MI GLO == <.mif/.mid_file > 39

Screen/Log Display Interval == [ {1} | ] 39

Start Map Output == 39

Store Maximums and Minimums == [ ON | ON MAXIMUMS ONLY | {OFF} ] 39

Zero Negative Depths in SMS == [ {ON} | OFF ] 40

Bed Resistance Values == [ {MANNING N} | MANNING M | CHEZY ] 48

Depth/Ripple Height Factor Limit == [ {10} |  ] 48

Read Materials File == 48

Recalculate Chezy Interval == [ {0} |  ] 49

Global FC Ch Factor == [ {0.8} | ] 57

Read MI FC == <.mif/.mid_file> 57

CSV Time == [ {DAYS} | HOURS ] 65

Excel Start Date == 65

Read MI LP == <.mif/.mid_file> 65

Read MI PO == <.mif/.mid_file> 65

Start Time Series Output == 66

Time Series Output Interval == 66

Write PO Online == [ ON | {OFF} ] 66

Read MI IWL == <.mif/.mid_file> 74

Read MID IWL == <.mid_file> 74

Set IWL == 74

Read Restart File == <.trf_file> 82

Write Restart File at Time == 82

Write Restart File Interval == [ {0} |  ] 83

Cell Side Wet/Dry Depth == [ {0.03} | ] 91

Cell Wet/Dry Depth == [ {0.05} | ] 91

HX ZC Check == [ {ON} | OFF ] 91

SX ZC Check == [ {ON} | OFF ] 92

Wetting and Drying == [ {ON} | ON NO SIDE CHECKS | OFF ] 92

Free Overfall == [ {ON} | ON WITHOUT WEIRS | OFF ] 100

Free Overfall Factor == [ {0.8} | ] 101

Froude Check == [ {1} | ] 101

Froude Depth Adjustment == [ {ON} | OFF ] 101

Global Weir Factor == [ {1.0} | ] 101

Shallow Depth Weir Factor Cut Off Depth == [ {0} |  ] 101

Shallow Depth Weir Factor Multiplier == [ {1} | ] 102

Supercritical == [ {ON} | OFF | PRE 2002-11-AD ] 102

Viscosity Coefficient == [ {1} | ] 110

Viscosity Formulation == [ {CONSTANT} | SMAGORINSKY ] 110

Cell Size == 118

First Sweep Direction == [ AUTOMATIC | {POSITIVE} | NEGATIVE ] 118

Instability Water Level == [ {see_below} |  ] 126

Water Level Checks == [ {ON} | OFF ] 126

BC Database == <.csv_file> 134

BC Event Name == 134

BC Event Text == 135

Adjust Head at Estry Interface == [ {ON} | ON VARIABLE | OFF ] 143

Check Inside Grid == [ {ERROR} | WARNING | OFF ] 143

Extrapolate Heads at Flow Boundaries == [ ON | {OFF} ] 143

Null Cell Checks == [ ON | {OFF} ] 144

Oblique Boundary Alignment == [ {NEAREST TO LINE} | CENTRE TO CENTRE ] 144

Oblique Boundary Method == [ {ON} | ON METHOD 2 | OFF ] 144

Unused HX and SX Connections == [ {ERROR} | WARNING ] 145

Apply Wind Stresses == [ ON | ON VARIABLE | {OFF} ] 153

Start Wind Output at Time == 153

Wind Output Interval == 153

Apply Wave Radiation Stresses == [ ON | {OFF} ] 161

Wave Period ==

MI Projection ==

Snap Tolerance == [ {0.001} | ] 9

Check MI Save Date == [ {ERROR} | WARNING | OFF ] 17

Check MI Save Ext == [ {.tab} | ] 17

CSV Format == [ HORIZONTAL | {VERTICAL} ] 17

CSV Time == [ {DAYS} | HOURS ] 17

Log Folder == 17

Output Folder == 18

Read File == 18

Write CSV Online == [ ON | {OFF} ] 18

Write Empty MI Files == [ {} | ] 18

Write Check Files == [ | {OFF} ] 19

Bridge Flow == [ {Method A} | Method B ] 27

Culvert Flow == [ Method A | {Method B} ] 27

End Time == 27

Froude Check == [ {1} | ] 28

Froude Depth Adjustment == [ {ON} | OFF ] 28

Head Rate Creep Factor == [ | {1.2} ] 28

Head Rate Limit == [ ON | {OFF} | ] 28

Head Rate Limit Minimum == [ | {0.001} ] 28

Start Time == 28

Structure Losses == [ ADJUST | {FIX} ] 29

Timestep == 29

Vel Rate Creep Factor == [ | {1.2} ] 29

Vel Rate Limit == [ | {0.2} ] 29

Vel Rate Limit Minimum == [ | {0.0001} ] 29

Order Output == [ {ON} | OFF ] 38

Output Interval [ {} | (s) ] ==

Output Times Same as 2D == [ {ON} | OFF ] 38

Read MI WLL == <.mif/.mid_file> 39

Read MI WLL Points == <.mif/.mid_file> 39

Start Output == 39

WLL Additional Points == [ {0} | ] 39

WLL Adjust XS Width == [ {ON} | OFF ] 39

WLL Approach == [ {Method A} | Method B ] 39

Apply All Inverts == [ ON | {OFF} ] 48

Conveyance Calculation == [ {CHANGE IN RESISTANCE} | ALL PARALLEL ] 48

Create Nodes == [ {ON} | OFF ] 48

Depth Limit Factor == [ {1} | ] 49

Flow Area == [ {EFFECTIVE} | TOTAL ] 49

M11 Network == <.nwk11_file> 50

Minimum NA == [ {0} | ] 50

Momentum Equation == [ PRE 2003-08-AD ] 50

Pit Channel Offset == [ {10} | ] 50

Read MI Network == <.mif/.mid_file> 50

Read MI Table Links == <.mif/.mid_file> 50

Read Materials File == 51

Relative Resistance == [ {RELATIVE} | MATERIAL ] 51

S Channel Approach == [ PRE 2004-06-AA ] 51

Storage Above Structure Obvert == [ {CHANNEL WIDTH} | ] 51

Trim XZ Profiles == [ ON | {OFF} ] 52

XS Database == 52

[ BG | CS | NA | VG ].... ! Fixed Field Flags 60

BG Data == 60

CS Data == 60

NA Data == 61

VG Data == 61

Read MI IWL == <.mif/.mid_file> 69

Set IWL == 69

BC Database == <.csv_file> 77

BC Event Name == 77

BC Event Text == 78

EB Data == 78

Read MI BC == <.mif/.mid_file> 78

Cell Size == 9

Grid Size (N,M) == , 9

Grid Size (X,Y) == 9

Orientation == , 9

Orientation Angle == 10

Origin == , 10

Read MI Location == <.mif/.mid_file> 10

Read TGA == <.tga_file> 18

Read TGF == <.tgf_file> 18

External Bndy == , , , 27

Read MI [ MAT | IWL | CnM | FRIC | WrF | FLC ] == 28

Read MI Code [ {} | BC ] == 28

Read MID [ CODE | MAT | IWL | CnM | FRIC | WrF | FLC ] == 28

Read MID Grid == 29

Set [ CODE | MAT | IWL | CnM | FRIC | WrF ] == 29

Write MI Domain == <.mif/.mid_file> 29

Write MI Grid == <.mif/.mid_file> 29

Allow Dangling Z Lines == [ ON | {OFF} ] 38

Default Land Z == 38

Interpolate ZC [ {} | ALL ] [ {} | LOWER ] 38

Interpolate [ ZHC | ZUVC ] [ {} | ALL ] [ {} | AFTER ] 39

Pause When Polyline Does Not Find Zpt == [ ON | {OFF} ] 39

Read MI Z Line [ {} | RIDGE or MAX | GULLY or MIN | HX ] [ {} | CC ] [ {} | THICK ] [ {} | ADD ] == 40

Read MI Zpts [ {} | ADD | MAX | MIN ] == 41

Read MID Zpts [ {} | ADD | MAX | MIN ] == 41

Set Zpt == 42

Write MI Zpts == 42

ZC == MIN(ZU,ZV) 42

Read File == 51

Stop 51

BC Database == <.csv_file> 9

BC Event Name == 9

BC Event Text == 10

Global Rainfall Area Factor == [ {1.0} | ] 10

Global Rainfall BC == 10

Global Rainfall Continuing Loss == [ {0} | ] 10

Global Rainfall Initial Loss == [ {0} | ] 10

Read MI BC == <.mif/.mid_file> 10

Read MI SA [ {} | Rainfall ] == <.mif/.mid_file> 11

Unused HX and SX Connections == [ {ERROR} | WARNING ] 11

Latitude == [ {0} | ]


Sets the latitude used for calculating the Coriolos term in the shallow water equations. Negative value indicates south of the equator. A zero value disables the Coriolos term.

MI Projection == [ <.mif file> |

(Optional but recommended)

Sets the geographic projection for all GIS input and output. If this command is omitted, TUFLOW searches for a file “Header.mif” in each folder it opens GIS files, and extracts the projection from this file. The “Header.mif” file is any GIS layer in the correct projection exported in MIF/MID format. If no “Header.mif” file is found, non-earth coordinates are assumed.

Note: The projection must be Cartesian and in meters.

As of Build 2003-12-AD, a mif file can be specified and the projection line is extracted from this file, and is the referred approach than that described below.

To enter a projection line from a mif file, follow these steps:

  1. In a GIS, create or open a layer in the Cartesian projection to be used for the model. For non-geographic models (eg. a test model), use the Non-Earth (meters) projection.

  2. Export the layer in MIF/MID format.

  3. Open the .mif file in a text editor, copy the whole line starting with “CoordSys” (usually the 4th or 5th line) and paste after “MI Projection ==” in the .tcf file.


MI Projection == CoordSys Earth Projection 8, 13, "m", 153, 0, 0.9996, 500000, 10000000 Bounds (-7745874.38492, 1999.40969607) (8745874.38492, 19998000.5903)

Note: All GIS layers read by TUFLOW MUST USE this projection. The projection must be a Cartesian based projection, not a spherical projection such as Latitude/Longitude.

Snap Tolerance == [ {0.001} | ]


Sets the search distance in metres for detecting whether two GIS objects are connected (snapped). Introduced in Build 2005-05-AN.

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