G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi

¢ (one cent deb o‘qiladi); 65¢

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G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi-fayllar.org

(one cent deb o‘qiladi); 65¢ (sixty-fi ve cents deb o‘qiladi). Sentlar
quyidagicha ham ifodalanishi mumkin: $.12, $.50; 
8) dollarlar va sentlardan iborat summa quyidagicha ifodalanadi: $25.01 
(twenty-fi ve dollars and one cent deb o‘qiladi); $34.10 (thirty-four dollars 
and ten cents deb o‘qiladi); $3,350.55 (three thousand three hund red and 
fi fty dollars and fi fty-fi ve cents deb o‘qiladi);
9) Angliya va AQSHda telefon chaqiriqlari uchun telefonning har bir
raqami alohida o‘qiladi: 1235 — one two three fi ve. 0 raqami [ou] deb o‘qi-
ladi. Telefon nomerining birinchi ikkita yoki oxirgi ikkita raqamlari bir xil
bo‘lsa, double ikkita, qo‘sh so‘zi ishlatiladi: 6634 — double six three four;
3466 — three four double six. O‘rtadagi ikki raqam bir xil bo‘lsa double
so‘zi ishlatilmaydi: 3446 — three four four six. 1000, 2000, 3000 kabi
raqamlar one thousand, two thousand, three thousand deb o‘qiladi.
1-inchi —
13-inchi —
20-inchi —
100-inchi va
boshqa sonlar
st fi rst
2 nd second
3 rd third
4 th fourth
5 th fi fth
6 th sixth
7 th seventh
8 th eighth
9 th nineth
10 th tenth
11 th eleventh
12 th twelfth
13th thirteenth
14 th fourteenth
15 th fi fteenth
16 th sixteenth
17 th seventeenth
18 th eighteenth
19 th nineteenth
20 th twentieth
21 st twenty-fi rst
22 nd twenty-
second va h.
30 th thirtieth
40 th fortieth
50 th fi ftieth
60 th sixtieth
70 th seventieth
80 th eightieth
90 th ninetieth
100 th hundredth
101 st hundred and fi rst
102 th hundred and second va h.
201 st two hundred and fi rst
va h.
300 th three hundredth
400 th four hundredth
1,000 th thousandth
1,001 st thousand and fi rst
1,002 nd thousand and second
va h.
1,000,000 th millionth
Tartib son bilan kelgan otlar doim aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi. Ot kelmagan
o‘rinlarda ham tartib sonning aniq artikli saqlanib qoladi:

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