G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi

storm. Kuchli to‘fon tufayli paroxod bandargoh(port)ni tark eta olmadi. 5. Maqsadni: The steamer called at the port to

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G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi-fayllar.org

Kuchli to‘fon tufayli paroxod
bandargoh(port)ni tark eta
5. Maqsadni:
The steamer called at the port to 
take on a fresh supply of coal.
Paroxod portga ko‘mir g‘amlash
uchun kirdi.
I have come to discuss the matter.
Men masalani muhokama qil-
gani keldim.
6. Darajani:
quite agree with her.
Men unga to‘liq qo‘shilaman.
He has greatly changed.
U juda o‘zgargan.
Darajani bildiruvchi hollar sifat va ravishlarni ham aniqlashi mum-
The machine is very heavy.
Mashina juda og‘ir.
I know him rather well.
Men uni juda yaxshi bilaman.
Hol quyidagilardan yasalishi mumkin:
1. Ravishdan:
The meeting was held yesterday.
Yig‘ilish kecha o‘tkazildi.
He quickly opened the door
and ran out of the room.
U tez eshikni ochdi va xonadan
yugurib chiqdi.
2. Predlogli otdan:
He spent his vacation in the south.
U ta‘tilini janubda o‘tkazdi.
He was in America during the war.
U urush paytida Amerikada edi.
3. Sifatdoshdan:
He stood on the deck counting the
U palubada qutilarni sanab turar
While reading the book I came
across a number of interesting ex-
Bu kitobni o‘qiyotganimda
men juda ko‘p qiziqarli ibo-
ralarga duch keldim.
4. Infi nitivdan:
I called on him to discuss this mat-
Men bu masalani muhokama
qilgani unikiga bordim.
He is clever enough to understand
Buni tushunish uchun uning
aqli yetadi.
18 — M. G‘apporov
www.ziyouz.com kutubxonasi

5. Predlogli gerunddan:

He locked the door before leaving
the offi ce.
U ofi sdan chiqishdan oldin eshik ni
qulfl adi.
On arriving at the station he went to
the information bureau.
Stansiyaga kelganida u axborot byu-
rosiga bordi.
Hol odatda to‘ldiruvchidan keyin keladi. Gapda ikki yoki undan or tiq hol
bo‘lganda ular quyidagicha joylashadi: 1) ravish holi, 2) o‘rin holi, 3) payt
I met him
by chance
(ravish holi)
at the theatre
(o‘rin holi)
a few days ago
(payt holi)
Men uni bir necha kun ilgari teatrda tasodifan uchratib qoldim.

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