Issn 1983-8034 Ethics, bioethics and physical education

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We retrieved 1,447 articles in the databases search, which were distributed as follows: PubMed: 271 articles; LILACS: 50 articles; SciELO: 14 articles; Scopus: 117 articles; SPORTDiscus: 613 articles; Web of Science: 67 articles; VHL: 189 articles; and ERIC: 126 articles. Of the total number of retrieved articles, 16 were duplicates, remaining 1,431 articles. When applying the exclusion criteria, 1,245 articles were excluded by reading the titles, thus resulting in 186 studies in the end. Subsequently, the analysis of abstracts was carried out, and 166 articles whose topics involved sport performance, code of ethics in sports, and ethics in research not directly related to the field of PE were excluded.

Thus, 20 studies were read in full. Of these, 14 addressed the analysis of training programs, psychology and physical behavior, effects of training and sports, that is, they are not directly related to the topic of the present study. Hence, six articles were included after full reading. From the backward searching of the references of the remaining six articles, another six articles were included in the review, totaling 12 (Figure 1).
The 12 selected articles were published in nine different journals. Three journals had two publications each: Sport, Education and Society (impact factor: 1,962), European Physical Education Review (impact factor: 2,000), and Quest (impact factor: 1,333). The other journals had one study each. The journal with the highest impact factor was Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy (impact factor: 2,035), and the others do not present impact factor assessment, namely: Recerca: Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Life Science Journal, Acta Universitatis Carolinae: Kinanthropologica and Universal Journal of Education Research.
Most of the studies were published in journals from the United Kingdom 4,5,8,9,11,15,16, followed by journals from the United States of America 6,17, one journal from Spain 10, one from China 12, and one from the Czech Republic 7. The studies included in the sample were published from the year 2005 onwards, with three publications dated from 2012 7,8,17, and the most recent was published in 2018 6.

Studies from universities in different countries were included, two of which were developed by Canadian universities 11,17; two by Portuguese universities 10,15, two by Turkish universities 6,12,
and one by universities in the following countries: Switzerland 9, United Kingdom 16, United States of America 8, Czech Republic 7, Norway 5, and Australia 4. All studies were published in English.

Figure 1. Flowchart for the selection of eligible articles

As for the design of the studies, it can be noted that they are all qualitative research. Regarding data collection, some studies combined semi-structural interviews, field diary, and non-participant observation 4,6,8,10, case study 8,12, and focus group 4. Regarding the analysis methodology mentioned in
the studies, there were theoretical essay 5,7,11,16,17, ethnography 9, content analysis 8,11,12, dialectical
analysis 4, and hermeneutics 10.
After analyzing the thematic content 14, four categories of issues representative for ethics/ bioethics were highlighted: PE as a means for

ethical development in the school environment; thepotential of sports as a means for moral education as virtue formation; the level of
knowledge of PE professionals concerning ethics; and ethics in the training of PE professionals. These categories are illustrated in Chart 1.

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