Academic Research, Uzbekistan 93 the language also differently compared to other nationalities with another mother
tongue. Followed by his teacher and advisor, L.V.Weisberger introduced the term
“linguistic world picture” to the linguistics in the 80s of previous century.
When talking about the definition of this term, we find necessary to mention that
there are a number of assumptions proposed by different linguists. Some of them
argue that linguistic world picture is a subjective picture of an objective world which
could be used as a tool of conceptual world picture representation. Other linguists as
R. X. Xayrullina, T. N. Nikolayeva define this notion as the fixed scheme of reality
perception in the minds of a particular nation [1]. According to D.U. Ashurova, M. R.
Galiyeva, linguistic world picture is the verbal explication of the conceptual world
picture, a means of transmitting information about the world, people and
Looking at the different definitions of the term, we could summarize them and
consider the l.w.p. as one of the ways of presenting our general and specific
knowledge about the world, our surroundings, feelings and world vision with the help
of a language. In this sense, the language serves as a means of communication,
perception of the world and representation of our thoughts, knowledge structures and
emotions. Here we should also give a brief overview of other types of world picture
and their relations and distinctive features with linguistic world picture.
First and foremost, the link between the conceptual and linguistic world picture
should be analyzed. According to Kolshanskiy, conceptual world picture is “a
product of the man’s cognitive activity” [4]. It represents a structured system of
knowledge, information about the world, all scientific and pre-scientific knowledge,
reflecting the cultural and cognitive experience of a human [1]. The language is
considered as the main means of reflecting the conceptual world picture sincepeople
generally perceive the world and action taking place around us with the help of a
language. And with this very language also works as the tool of representation of our
conceptual world picture, so we can call the linguistic world picture as the conceptual
world picture fixed in the language.
Linguistic world picture is also closely interrelated with national world picture,
the notion widely studied in cultural linguistics. Each ethnic majority and their
language reflect own unique world picture, conditioned by a particular way of world
perception and peculiar linguistic means. Each nation perceives the world in their
peculiar projection which is then embodied in their language forming a national
linguistic world picture that is transmitted by generations. In other words, a particular
model of the world will be shaped in the minds of individuals related to specific