HEC — RS&GIS Curricula 2005
2.1 Project Management
2.1.1 Significance:
The purpose of managing a project is to ensure that a defined goal or
objective is successfully achieved on time within the constraints of available
resources. In practice this means planning the project carefully by
identifying the tasks and resources required to achieve the goal and putting
in place processes to manage those activities and resources over the life of
the project. It is also vitally important that progress and final outcomes of the
project are communicated on time and effectively.
2.1.2 Process:
1. Define the goal or objective
· Define the overall goal
· Identify activities required to meet the goal
· Identify outputs required to meet the goal
2. Plan tasks and resources
· Identify tasks involved in activities
· Identify resources required to complete tasks
· Identify people/organisations to be involved
· Identify time required to acquire resources and complete tasks
3. Organise tasks and resources
· Create a schedule of tasks
· Identify relationships between tasks (usually some tasks are
prerequisite to others)
· Identify milestones (reference points marking major events used
to monitor progress)
4. Manage tasks and resources
· Track progress against project schedule regularly
· Amend schedule (tasks/milestones/goals) to reflect reality
· Communicate progress as required
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