HEC — RS&GIS Curricula 2005
Polarization, Ground Resolution,
Rectification and Registration, Optical
and RADAR data fusion case studies, Student Projects:
Application Areas
such as Mining, Environmental Monitoring, Vegetation Changes, Cropping
Pattern, Salinity/Sodicity and Water Logging etc.
Reference Material:
1. Henderson, F.M
and Lewis, A.J (1998). Principles and Applications of
Imaging Radar. Manual of Remote Sensing, Third Edition Volume 2.
John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 0-471029406-3.
Campbell, James B. (2002
. Introduction to Remote Sensing, 3rd Ed.,
(The Guilford Press) ISBN # 0-7484-0663-8 (pbk).
3. Henderson, F.M. and Lewis, A. J (1998) Principles &
Imaging Radar / Manual of Remote Sensing / Third Edition, Volume 2,
Published in Cooperation with the American Society for
and Remote Sensing, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
4. Peebles, P.Z (1998), Radar Principles, Wiley Inter science, New York.
5. Elachi, C. (1988): Spaceborne Radar Remote Sensing:
and Techniques, IEEE Press, New York.
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