Informal - Formal Use - consume - foydalanmoq
Live - reside - yashamoq
Ask - enquire - so'ramoq
Tell - advice - maslahat bermoq
Begin - commence - boshlamoq
Use - consume - foydalanmoq
Help - assist - yordam bermoq
Stop - cease - to'xtatmoq
catch up with - yetishib olmoq
check in - ro’yxatdan o’tmoq
check out - mehmonhonani tark etmoq; tekshirib ko’rmoq
drop off - mashinada tashlab qoymoq
get back - qaytmoq
go away - ta’tilga chiqmoq
keep up with- yetishib olmoq
make time for - ga vaqt ajratmoq
pick up -mashinada biror kishini olish uchun toxtamoq
pull in - mashinada yo’l chetida toxtamoq
run over - mashinada urib yubormoq
see off - kuzatib qoymoq
set out/off- yo’lga chiqmoq
take off - uchmoq
turn round - orqaga burilmoq
AT 🍓at war - urushda
🍓at peace - tinchlik vaqtida
🍓at ease - erkin
🍓at rest - dam olishda
🍓at sea - dengiz bo‘yida
🍓at lunch - tushlikda
🍋in danger - xatarda
🍋in need - muhtojlikda
🍋in tears - ko‘z yosh to‘kib
🍋in reply - javoban
🍋in love - oshiqlikda
🍋in difficulty - qiyinchilikda
♻️ ON 🍏on guard - himoyada
🍏on purpose - ataylab
🍏on fire - o‘t ichida
🍏on sale - sotuvda
🍏on vacation - o‘quv ta’tilida
🍏on time - vaqtida
🍏on duty - navbatchilikda
🍏on land - yerda
🍏on sea - dengizda
♻️ BY 🍊by accident - tasodifan
🍊by design - qasddan
♻️OUT 🍐out of control - nazoratdan chiqqan
🍐out of danger - xatardan holi
🍐out of date - eskirgan
🍐out of door - tashqarida
🍐out of order - buzilgan
🍐out of stock - qolmagan
🍐out of turn - navbatdan tashqari
Used to" Yasalish formulasi
♻️Boʻlishli shakli
Subject + used to + V1
He used to smoke 25 sigarettes a day 2 years ago. But now he doesn't.
♻️Inkor shakli
1. Subject + didn't use to + V1
2. Subject + used not to + V1
People didn't use to spend too much time for earning money 10 years ago.
People used not to spend too much time for earning money 10 years ago.
♻️So'roq shakli
1. Did + Subject + use to + V1 ?
2. Used + subject + to + V1 ?
Did your father use to tell interesting stories when you were young?
Used your father to tell interesting stories when you were young?