Bibliography of butterflies

Godman, Frederick DuCane, and Osbert Salvin

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Godman, Frederick DuCane, and Osbert Salvin

1877. Description of twelve new species and a new genus of Rhopalocera from Central America. Proceedings of the zoological Society of London 1877(1): 60-64 (June) [Eutresis theope, Napeogenes hemimelaena, Ithomia alcmena, I. pusio, I. zygia, Pierella incanescens, Oxeoschistus gigas, Heliconius fasciatus, Bolboneura (new genus), Eubagis immarginata, Eunica mira, E. excelsa, E. caerula; Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Mexico]

1878a. Descriptions of nineteen new species of diurnal Lepidoptera from Central America. Proceedings of the zoological Society of London 1878(1): 264-271 (May) [Euptychia philodice, E. rogersi, E. vetones, Lymanopoda euopis, Pedaliodes triaria, P. cremera, Oxeoschistus rogersi, Phyciodes thebais, P. boucardi, P. subota, P. drymaea, P. cyneas, P. nebulosa, Eresia mechanitis, E. drypetis, Timetes phiale, Adelpha falcata, A. diocles, Papilio syedra; Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama]

1878b. Descriptions of new species of Central-American butterflies of the family Erycinidae. Proceedings of the zoological Society of London 1878(2): 360-369 (July) [Eurygona hypophaea, E. leucorrhoa, E. amphidecta, E. inconspicua, E. russata, Limnas melanochlora, L. caeruleata, Cyrenia pyrippe, Ithomeis imitatrix, Symmachia rhacotis, Mesene ignicauda, M. silaris, M. tyriotes, Pachythone gigas, Charis velutina, C. crocea, C. holosticta, C. poeciloptera, C. ochrias, Tharops purpurata, T. isthmica, Lemonias pelarge, L. theages, L. debilis, L. hypoglauca, Nymphidium haematostictum, N. ictericum, N. sicyon, N. adelphinum, N. velabrum, Theope isia, T. barea, T. caenina, T. decorata; Central America, Mexico]

1878c. Descriptions of new species of Rhopalocera from Central and South America. Annals and Magazine of natural History (5)2(9): 257-266 (1 September) [Callithomia pana-mensis, Napeogenes paedaretus, Ithomia aesion, I. jucunda, I. cadra, I. rhene, Tithorea pinthias, Narope testacea, Phyciodes chromis, P. diallus, P. poltis, P. fulgora, P. sopolis, P. sosis, P. cassiopea, P. durnfordi, P. taphius, Eresia epione, Eubagis geta, Callithea bartletti, Adelpha sophax, Leptalis ribbei; Mexico]

1879a. Descriptions of new species of Rhopalocera from Central and South America. Proceedings of the zoological Society of London 1879(1): 150-155, pl. 14 (June) [Eutresis hyspa, Athesis demylus, Melinaea hicetas, M. cydon, Eresia laias, Adelpha hypsenor, Pyrrhopyga rufinucha, P. aerata, P. rufipectus, P. variegaticeps, P. minthe, P. eupheme, P. malis, P. erythrosticta, Myscelus belti, Erycides pires, E. scython, Entheus matho, Hesperia polites, H. sacrator, H. aurifer, H. saptine, H. syrna; Neotropics]

1879b-80a. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Rhopalocera. London, Dulau & Co., Bernard Quaritch. 1: 1-32, pls. 1-2 (September 1879), 33-56, pls. 3-4 (November 1879), 57-72, pls. 5-7 (February 1880), 73-88, pl. 8 (August 1880) [general; new taxa: Tithorea helicaon, T. hippothous, Aeria agna, A. pacifica, Ceratinia decumana, Callithomia hedila, Epithomia, Calloleria, Hyposcada, Episcada, Pteronymia tigranes, P. alope, P. fulvescens, P. agalla, Hypoleria (new genus) libera, H. fumosa, Pseudoscada, Hymenitis furina, Heterosais]

1880b. A list of diurnal Lepidoptera collected in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, and the vicinity. Transactions of the entomological Society of London 1880(3): 119-132, pls. 3-4 (12 October) [general; new species: Ceratinia philidas, Euptychia peribaea, E. lineata, Lymanopoda caeruleata, Pedaliodes polyxo, P. leucocheilus, P. symmachus, P. tyrrheus, Morpho rhodopteron, Phyciodes catenarius, P. castianira, Perisama gisco, Esthemopsis linearis, Siseme pomona, Euterpe lycurgus]

1881-82a. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Rhopalocera. London, Dulau & Co., Bernard Quaritch. 1: 89-96, pl. 9 (February 1881), 97-104, pl. 10 (April 1881), 105-120, pl. 11 (June 1881), 121-136, pls. 12-15 (August 1881), 137-152, pls. 16-17 (October 1881), 153-168, pl. 18 (Decem­ber 1881), 169-184, pls. 19-20 (June 1882), 185-208 (August 1882) [general; new species: Euptychia nelsoni, Drucina championi, Opsiphanes josephus, O. quirinus, O. xanthicles, Actinote melampeplos, Heliconius claudia, H. chrysantis, Phyciodes cynisca, P. cluvia, P. lutescens, P. sitalces, P. argentea]

1882b. On a new species of Agrias from the Valley of the Amazons. Proceedings of the zoological Society of London 1882(2): 338-339, pl. 19 (August) [general; A. stuarti; Peru]

1882c-83a. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta Lepidoptera-Rhopalocera. London, Dulau & Co., Bernard Quaritch. 1: pls. 21-22 (October 1882), 209-224, pl. 23 (December 1882), 225-240, pls. 24, 24a, 25 (March 1883) [general; new species: Epiphile plusios, Eubagis ate, Catagramma aerias]

1883b. Note on the variation of certain species of Agrias. Pro-ceedings of the zoological Society of London 1883(3): 384-386 (October) [general; Peru, Brazil]

1883c-84a. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Rhopalocera. London, Dulau & Co., Bernard Quaritch. 1: 265-280, pl. 26 (November 1883), 281-288, pl. 27 (December 1883), 289-312, pls. 28-30 (April 1884), 313-344, pls. 31-33 (June 1884), 345-352, pls. 34-37 (July 1884), 353-360 (Octo­ber 1884) [general; new species: Ageronia lelaps, Peridromia arienis, Panacea lysimache, Pyrrhogyra hypsenor, Adelpha erymanthis, A. pione, Chlorippe felderi, C. burmeisteri, Prepona camilla, P. phaedra, Pycina zelys, Siderone polymela, Anaea forreri, A. orthesia, A. dia, Hypna forbesi]

1884b. A list of the Rhopalocera collected by Mr. G. French Angas in the Island of Dominica. Proceedings of the zoological Society of London 1884(3): 314-320, pl. 25, figs. 1-4 (October) [general; new species: Anaea dominicana, Proteides angasi, Pamphila ravola]

1885-88. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Rho-palocera. London, Dulau & Co., Bernard Quaritch. 1: 361-400, pls. 38-41 (December 1885), 401-440, pls. 42-44 (January 1886), 441-487, pls. 45-47 (February 1886); 2: 1-32, pls. 48-50 (May 1887), 33-48, pl. 51 (June 1887), 49-64, pl. 52 (August 1887), 65-96, pl. 53 (September 1887), 97-104, pl. 54 (October 1887), pl. 55 (November 1887), 105-112, pl. 56 (December 1887), pl. 57 (January 1888), pl. 58 (February 1888) [general; new taxa: Eurygona procula, E. sergia, E. eupepla, Eurybia unxia, Mesosemia methion, M. thetys, M. coelestis, M. zonalis, M. leucogaea, M. lepida, M. molina, M. nivalis, M. nivea, M. chionea, Necyria larunda, Monethe rudolphus, Temtoglene dodone, T. drymo, Lepricornis bicolor, Chimastrum, Mesenopsis, Symmachia championi, S. belti, S. harmodius, Mesene phoenicura, M. leucopus, Charis occidentalis, Calydna venusta, Sarota gamelia, S. myrtea, S. psaros, Anteros roratus, Emesis vulpina, E. lupina, E. tegula, E. saturata, E. liodes, Caria lampeto, C. ino, C. harmonia, Exoplisia, Tharops picta, Lemonias glauca, L. agave, Apodemia hepburni, A. walkeri, Polystigma, Nymphidium labdacus, N. laius, N. ipsea, N. nycteus, N. germanus, Theope theutis, T. folia, T. herta, T. cratylus, Isapis hera, Esthemopsis (?) radiata, E. (?) unicolor, Thecla nepia, T. hosbon, T. cynara, T. basis, T. cocineifrons, T. oceia, T. laothoe, T. busa, T. per­penna, T. hyas, T. furina, T. cyda, T. eunus, T. phaenna, T. fusius, T. hypsea, T. epytus, T. orses, T. lyde, T. mycon, T. primno, T. phobe, T. arpoxais, T. orios, T. praxis, T. ortalus, T. epidius, T. ochus, T. pion, T. oppia, T. latagus, T. orasus, T. norax, T. minthe, T. aura, T. atttalion, T. ares, T. tanais, T. proba, T. iopas, T. blaius, T. nisaee, T. tabena, T. tarpa, T. paralus, T. odinus, T. maeonis, T. paron, T. heraclides, T. sergius, T. origo, T. nitetis, T. nortia, T. sethon, T. plusios, T. tamos, T. matho, T. mimas, T. gabina, T. myron, T. lampetia, T. milto, T. pisis, T. puppius, T. lollia, T. iambe, T. lucagus, T. hesychia, T. hicetas, T. paetus, T. inoa, T. maevia, T. scopas, T. sesara, T. syllis, T. serapio, T. alea, T. hecate, T. semones, T. schausi, T. insignis, T. miranda, Theclopsis (new genus) caeus, Chrysophanus (?) pyrrhias, Lycaena tulliola]

1889a. Descriptions of new species of Rhopalocera from Mexico and Central America. Annals and Magazine of natural History (6)3(16): 351-358 (1 April) [Pteronymia timagenes, Euptchia cleophes, E. clinas, Lymanopoda cinna, Phyciodes alexon, P. cyno, Myscelia auletes, Callicore beleses, Prepona brooksiana, P. aelia, Eurygona cheles, Lymnas gynaeceas, Baeotis nesaea, Emesis brimo, Lemonias idmon, Papilio corbis, P. orsuna; Mexico, Guatemala, Panama]

1889b-91a. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Rhopalocera. London, Dulau & Co., Bernard Quaritch. 2: 113-128, pl. 59 (August 1889), 129-152, pls. 60-62 (October 1889), 153-184, pls. 63-64 (November 1889), 185-208, pl. 65 (August 1890), 209-240, pls. 66-67 (October 1890), pls. 68-69 (Novem­ber 1890), pl. 70 (December 1890), pls. 71-72 (February 1891) [general; new taxa: Catasticta bryson, C. hegemon, C. cerberus, Archonias lyceas, Pieris laogore, Rhabdodryas, Kricogonia unicolor, Terias cepio, Dismorphia myris, Acmepteron (new genus) lala, Enantia marion, Pseudopieris, Papilio mycale, P. procas, P. belephantes, P. pharax, P. epidaurus, P. tolus, P. tolmides, P. phanostratus, P. polycharmus, P. zalates, P. cephalus]

1891b. Lepidoptera. Rhopalocera, pp. 96-110. In: Whymper, E., Supplementary appendix to Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator. London, John Murray. xxii + 147 pp., 42 figs., 14 pls. [general; new species: Ithomia consobrina, Lycaena andicola, Colias alticola; ecology]

1893-94a. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Rho-palocera. London, Dulau & Co., Bernard Quaritch. 2: 241-256 (March 1893), 257-264, pls. 73-74 (April 1893), 265-288 (May 1893), 289-296, pl. 75 (August 1893), pl. 76 (September 1893), 297-312 (October 1893), 313-328 (November 1893), 329-352, pls. 77-78 (January 1894), pls. 79-80 (February 1894), pl. 81 (April 1894), 353-360 (July 1894) [general; new taxa: Pyrrhopyge zenodorus, P. gellias, P. haemon, Jemadia macleannani, Myscelus hages, Azonax, Eudamus chales, E. miltas, E. crison, E. auginulus, E. alciphron, Plestia elwesi, Phocides belus, Heteropia melon, Epargyreus gaumeri, Telegonus ampyx, T. consus, Thymele eniopeus, T. phalaecus, T. chry-sorrhoea, Dsycophellus, Nascus eugamon, Cecropterus capys, Phoedinus (new genus) aventinus, Cocceius, Cabares (new genus) enops, Cogia elunia, Typhedanus alladius, Caecina calanus, Orneates, Pythonides anicius, P. belti]

1894b. Descriptions of new species of Rhopalocera from Mexico and Central America. Annals and Magazine of natural History (6)14(80): 95-98 (1 August) [Opsiphanes staudingeri, Synchloe eumeda, S. dryope, S. hylaeus, S. endeis, Callicore asteria, Anaea schausiana; Panama]

1894c-95a. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Rhopalocera. London, Dulau & Co., Bernard Quaritch. 2: 361-376, pl. 82 (October 1894), 377-384, pl. 83 (November 1894), pl. 84 (January 1895), 385-400, pl. 85 (March 1895) [general; new taxa: Pythonides menedemus, P. scybis, P. phila, P. pelopea, Eracon, Gorgopas, Pellicia tiphys, P. thyestes, Nisoniades (?) pelarge, Cyclosaemia phidyle, Gorgophone (new genus) meliboea, Echelatus, Grais, Celaenorrhinus variegatus, Mylon, Eudamidas, Xenophanes (new genus) ruatanensis, Carrhenes (new genus) calidius, C. callipetes, Potamanax pammenes, P. paralus, P. melicertes, P. caliadne, Achlyodes calavius, A. bubaris, A. fasciata, A. colotes, Sostrata (new genus) leucorrhoa, S. pusilla, Paches]

1895b. On a new species of Hesperiidae of the genus Amenis, Watson. Annals and Magazine of natural History (6)15(88): 372-373 (1 April) [A. baroni; Peru]

1895c-96a. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Rhopalocera. London, Dulau & Co., Bernard Quaritch. 2: pl. 86 (May 1895), 401-416, pl. 87 (October 1895), 417-424, pl. 88 (March 1896) [general; new taxa: Ate (new genus) proxenus, A. pteras, Milanion (new genus) marciana, M. marica, Doberes, Masices (new genus) sobrinus, Diaeus, Onenses, Gindanes (new genus) panaetius, G. brontinus, Timochares, Ebrietas, Camptopleura tisias, Diphoridas, Gorgythion]

1896b. On the butterflies of St. Vincent, Grenada, and the adjoining islands of the West Indies. Proceedings of the zoological Society of London 1896(2): 513-520 (1 August) [general; new species: Thecla cybele, T. piplea, T. angerona, Telegonus anausis, Prenes eugeon, Hylephila dictynna]

1896c. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Rho-palocera. London, Dulau & Co., Bernard Quaritch. 2: 425-440, pl. 89 (October) [general; new taxa: Theagenes, Staphylus (new genus) cyliadus, S. evippe, S. orsines, S. imbras, S. saletas, S. evemerus, Scantilla (new genus) opites, Timochreon, Zopyrion (new genus) sandace, Z. evenor]

1897a. Descriptions of new species of Central and South American Rhopalocera. Transactions of the entomological Society of London 1897(2): 241-248 (2 July) [Danais nivosus, D. erginus, Ituna lanassa, Olyras praestans, O. staudingeri, Tithorea monosticta, Phyciodes faustus, P. anomalus, Anaea elara, Lemonias eudocia, Theope speciosa, T. talna, T. matuta, T. diores, T. polimela, T. mania, T. eleutho, Papilio eracon, P. iopas]

1897b. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Rho-palocera. London, Dulau & Co., Bernard Quaritch. 2: 441-448 (September), pl. 90 (November) [general; new taxa: Pholisora clytius, Atarnes, Heliopetes cnemus]

1898. Descriptions of new species of American Rhopalocera. Transactions of the entomological Society of London 1898(1): 105-112 (20 April) [Tithorea furina, T. flacilla, T. hermias, T. parola, Melinaea crameri, M. egesta, M. macaria, Methona psamathe, Thyridia colombiana, T. pallida, Mechanitis equicoloides, M. sylvanoides, Calli-thomia butes, C. procne, C. megaleas, C. philomela; Panama, South America]

1899. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Rho-palocera. London, Dulau & Co., Bernard Quaritch. 2: 449-456 (April) [general; new genera: Celotes, Chiomara]

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