Can you open a window? (Derazani ochib qo’ya olasanmi?) There are three windows here. (Bu yerda uchta derazalar bor.) a window deyilganda window 1, window 2 yoki window 3 dan istalgan bittasi nazarda tutiladi. Ko’proq misollar:
I’ve got a car. (there are many cars and I’ve got one) – Menda bitta mashina bor. Can I ask a question? (there are many questions – can I ask one?) – Bir savol so’rasam maylimi? Is there a hotel near here? (there are many hotels – is there one near here?) – Bu atrofda birorta mehmonxona bormi? Paris is an interesting city. (there are many interesting cities and Paris is one) – Parij qiziqarli shahar. (Qiziqarli shaharlar ko’p. Parij ularning bittasi) Lisa is a student. (there are many students and Lisa is one) Liza talaba. (Talabalar ko’p. Liza ularning bittasi) Biz bekorga «the»ni aniq artikli demaymiz. Chunki the ishlatilgan otni qaysi ekanligini bilib olish qiyin emas. Masalan xonada faqatgina bitta deraza bor. Shuning uchun biz «Can you open the window?» deb aytamiz. The ishlatishimizga sabab, xonada boshqa deraza yo’q. Va biz nazarda tutgan deraza xonadagi yagonasi.
Ko’proq misollar:
I’m going to clean the car tomorrow. (= my car) – Men ertaga mashinani tozalamoqchiman. (=o’zimni mashinamni) 2-savolga javoblari I have a lot of friends. Most of them are classmates. My best friend called Andrey. He is fourteen. He lives with his parents not far from the school.