Information Technology specification Issue 3 changes Summary of changes made between the previous issue and this current issue Page number Units 21–25 have been added to the qualification structures at all sizes. Pages 6, 13,
15, 17, 19,
21, 287–345
References to ‘synoptic units’ and ‘synoptic assessment’ have been
Pages 7, 8,
22, 350, 355,
366 and 389
References to ‘external assessment’, ‘standardisation’ and ‘controlled
assessment’ have been removed. Other minor rewordings to clarify the
approach to set assignments and internal assessments.
Pages 7, 8
and 368
Amendments have been made to the Unit Content for Unit 10:
A1: new bullet point 2 on transactional and analytical data
A3: new bullet point 1 on batch and streaming data
B1: bullet point 1, sub-bullet point 3 amended to mention dashboards
C2: new bullet point 2 on programming/scripting languages; bullet
point 3 amended to refer to cloud-based resources and structured/
unstructured data; exemplification added to bullet point 5, sub-bullet
point 2.
Pages 141–
Amendments have been made to the Unit Content for Unit 15:
A1: bullet point 1, sub-bullet point 5 amended to refer to scale
A2: bullet point 2 amened to refer to containerisation
A4: bullet point 2, sub-bullet point 3 amended to replace ‘pay-as-you
grow and chargeback’ with ‘consumption-based and fixed price’; two
new sub-bullet points 8 and 9 added on data security and service level
B3: bullet point 1, exemplification added on VPCs (etc.); new bullet
point 3 added on securing the platform; bullet point 5, exemplification
added on user management.
Pages 211–
Recommendation for the level of English needed for learners studying
in English added
Page 347
Appendix 1: Links to industry standards has been updated to include
information about Microsoft mappings
Page 381
Appendix 2: Microsoft Fundamentals Certifications has been added and
the following two appendices have been renumbered.
Page 383