Interviewer: Who encourage you to take sport so seriously?
Respondent: My cousin. He’s always been a sort of a role model for me. He speaks two foreign languages by the way, Italian and Spanish.
Interviewer: And you? What foreign languages do you speak? Respondent: Only German. But I speak it almost fluently. Interviewer: OK. German is a difficult language but, getting back to your cousin, do you spend lots of time together? Respondent: Not really. We both are very busy. He goes to college and I as a sport he goes mountain biking. Interviewer: Do you go mountain biking with him? On holiday, for instance. Respondent: No, it’s too extreme but we go fishing on holiday. We both enjoy it. Interviewer: Great! Any other holiday activities? Like sunbathing, for example? Or boating? Respondent: Boating? No. We only use a boat when we go fishing.