BEKK and Model Estimation for M-GARCH
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Ch9 slides
‘Introductory Econometrics for Finance’ © Chris Brooks 2013 Neither the VECH nor the diagonal VECH ensure a positive definite variance-covariance matrix. An alternative approach is the BEKK model (Engle & Kroner, 1995). The BEKK Model uses a Quadratic form for the parameter matrices to ensure a positive definite variance / covariance matrix Ht . In matrix form , the BEKK model is Model estimation for all classes of multivariate GARCH model is again performed using maximum likelihood with the following LLF : where N is the number of variables in the system (assumed 2 above), is a vector containing all of the parameters, and T is the number of obs. ‘Introductory Econometrics for Finance’ © Chris Brooks 2013 The correlations between a pair of series at each point in time can be constructed by dividing the conditional covariances by the product of the conditional standard deviations from a VECH or BEKK model A subtly different approach would be to model the dynamics for the correlations directly In the constant conditional correlation (CCC) model, the correlations between the disturbances to be fixed through time Thus, although the conditional covariances are not fixed , they are tied to the variances The conditional variances in the fixed correlation model are identical to those of a set of univariate GARCH specifications (although they are estimated jointly): ‘Introductory Econometrics for Finance’ © Chris Brooks 2013 The off-diagonal elements of Ht , hij,t (i j ), are defined indirectly via the correlations , denoted ρij : Is it empirically plausible to assume that the correlations are constant through time? Several tests of this assumption have been developed , including a test based on the information matrix due and a Lagrange Multiplier test There is evidence against constant correlations , particularly in the context of stock returns. Dostları ilə paylaş: