Uchta a,b,c butun sonlarning yig`indisini qaytaring. Agar, ulardan birining qiymati 13 ga teng bo`lsa shu son va shu sondan o`ngdagi sonlar ham yig`indigo kiritilmaydi. luckySum(1, 2, 3) → 6
luckySum(1, 2, 13) → 3
luckySum(1, 13, 3) → 1
Given 3 int values, a b c, return their sum. However, if any of the values
is a teen -- in the range 13..19 inclusive -- then that value counts as 0,
except 15 and 16 do not count as a teens. Write a separate helper "public
int fixTeen(int n) {"that takes in an int value and returns that value fixed
for the teen rule. In this way, you avoid repeating the teen code 3 times
(i.e. "decomposition"). Define the helper below and at the same indent
level as the main noTeenSum().
O`spirinEmas Uchta a, b,c butun sonlarning yig`indisini qayataring.Agar, agar ulardan istalgan biri 13…19 sonlar orasida o`zgaruvchi o`spirin son bo`lsa bu son 15 va 16 dan tashqarisi 0 qiymat qabul qiladi. Yordam sifatida int o`spirin(int n){} Qo`shimcha metoddan foydalaning. noTeenSum(1, 2, 3) → 6
noTeenSum(2, 13, 1) → 3
noTeenSum(2, 1, 14) → 3
For this problem, we'll round an int value up to the next multiple of 10 if
its rightmost digit is 5 or more, so 15 rounds up to 20. Alternately, round
down to the previous multiple of 10 if its rightmost digit is less than 5, so
12 rounds down to 10. Given 3 ints, a b c, return the sum of their
rounded values. To avoid code repetition, write a separate helper "public
int round10(int num) {" and call it 3 times. Write the helper entirely
below and at the same indent level as roundSum().
Bu masalani yechish uchun sonning o`ngida turgan 5 yoki undan katta sonni