ISSN: 2394-3696 Website:
VOLUME 7, ISSUE 10, Oct.-2020
160 | P a g e
inexplicably silent
Born with a silver spoon in one's
mouth -
Born into a wealthy family
A foot in the door -
An introduction or way in to something, made in
order that progress may be made later.
GOLF - Gentlemen only, ladies
forbidden -
Gentlemen only, ladies forbidden
Card-sharp -
Someone who is skillful at playing or manipulating
cards, or one who make a living by cheating at cards.
In this part of the research we analyzed some native English and American phrases and idioms which
require some special knowledge to get the point and use
Ammamning buzog’i- flabby in speech.
The phrase is very active in everyday speech. It is usually used in informal speech in order to express
emotiveness and exaggeration.
“Bektemirdan ko’nglim to’q - dedi Ali tajang, - kallasi ishlaydi. Ammo Safar cho’tir - u ham qo’rqoq, ham
ammamning buzog’i”. Oybek, “Quyosh qoraymas”
Ko’z ochib yumguncha - In a moment. The given phraseological unit belongs to die literary and colloquial
style. It is used to strengthen the meaning and to draw attention to the speed of the fulfillment of an action. It
also has a synonym “hash- pash deguncha” which is more older one of the phrase. Ex: “Umr degan narsa
ko’z ochib yumguncha otib ketar ekan” Mirmuhsin, “Jamila”
Ochiq qo’l- very generous. Very good example of forming a phrase with the help etonymy. It is widely used
in literary style and everyday speech Ichi qizimoq- To get excited about something. This is a metaphorical
phrase «ichi is widely used in daily use. Xabarim bor. Hammasini bilib yuribman. - dedi ichi qizib Rahim.
H. Nazir, “Ko’korol chiroqlari”
Ochiq chehra- sincere. The expression is formed with the help of metonymy.
Es-hushini yo ’qotmoq-to lose one’s head, to lose one’s mind - tomi ketmoq.dely wi to lose one’s head used
in literature and everyday speech.
As we can see in the examples of native English and Uzbek phraseological units are some clear cultural
distinctions of the two nations’ expressing their ideas phrases. As for English phrases, they have some
Proper nouns concerning to the English history and literature: according to Hoyle, Davy Jones locker. Also,
the English are very rich in quotes which are taken from their greatest literary sources, such as W.
Shakespeare, Ch. Dickens, Arthur Canon Doyle etc: Alas, poor Yorick! / knew him Horatio; elementary my
dear, Watson. We can also witness some geographical names in their idioms - As black as Newgate’s
knocker - which is very rare in Uzbek phrases. However, in Uzbek native Phraseological units there are lots
of words concerning to the everyday activity of humankind. Also, there is widely used the part of the body -
qattiq qo’rqmoq,qon yutmoq, ко ’zini ochmoq, yurak yutmoq- in comparison to English phrases.
Nevertheless, one cannot reject some similarities of phrases of both languages. They are the use of some
words specific to the nations’ cultures only: to ’ydan oldin nog’ora chalmoq, kovushini tog’rilamoq; as easy
as pie, save one’s bacon broad use of metaphor and metonymy in forming the phraseological units: bag’ri
keng, oyoq qo’ymoq; yellow belly, a labour of love.
In this article there are given some research on peculiarities of translation and classification of
phraseological units. We mainly dealt with distinctive features of English phraseological units. Because as
Uzbek language speakers we have some difficulties in translation concerning to English language
phraseological units. NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS
ISSN: 2394-3696 Website:
VOLUME 7, ISSUE 10, Oct.-2020
161 | P a g e