adoringfans: people who love a particular band or singer
backgroundmusic: music that is played while something else is happening
acatchytune: a song that is easy to remember and makes you want to sing it
classicalmusic: music that is regarded as part of a long, formal tradition
todownloadtracks: to obtain music from the Internet
tohaveagreat voice: to sing well
togoontour: to go on a planned series of performances around a region or country
ahugefollowing: a large number of fans
livemusic: music that is listened to while it is performed (not recorded)
liveperformance: (see live music)
amassivehit: a record that sells lots of copies
amusicfestival: music performances at a venue often over several days
musicaltalent: skilled at music
tobe/singoutoftune: to not be in harmony/to sing the wrong notes
a pieceofmusic: an item of music
toplaybyear: to play without reading the musical notes
apopgroup: a small group of people who play or sing pop music together
toreadmusic: to understand and follow written musical notes
arockband: a group of musicians that play rock music
tosingalong to: to join in singing
asing-song: to sing informally, often with other people
aslownumber: a song with a slow tempo
totakeup amusicalinstrument: to begin learning a musical instrument
tasteinmusic: the music someone likes
tobetonedeaf: to be unable to distinguish the different notes in music
Lesson 17: Weather
In the IELTS Speaking exam you may be asked questions about the topic of ‘the weather’, perhaps the weather in your country or when you’ve travelled to other countries. Read the following IELTS-style questions and answers below and pay attention to the phrases in bold. Use the ‘Definitions’ section at the bottom of the page to check the meaning of any phrases you don’t understand.
Part 1-style questions
Examiner: What’s the weather like in your country?
Katie: It’s quite changeable really … we have periods of time with clear blueskies then all of a sudden we’ll have torrentialrain. Examiner: Which months have the best weather in your country?
Ernst: Well … I suppose it’s a matter of personal taste really … I like it around the end of October and November … I’m not fond of the heatwaves we often get during the summer … it’s not freezing cold during these months and we still get lots of sunny spells. Examiner: Does it bother you much when it rains?
Junko: It depends … if I get caughtintherain and I getdrenched I don’t like it
… but I’m a gardener so adropofrain is good for my plants.