Massage School Program Approval, Re-Approval, or Apprenticeship Application Packet
1. 676-124 Contents List 1 page
2. 676-125 Application Instructions 2 pages
3. 676-126 Massage School Program/Apprenticeship Standards 7 pages
4. 676-127 Application 1 page
5. 676-117 Table of Contents 2 pages
6. 676-128 Massage Program Courses Offered Form 1 page
7. RCW/WAC and Online Web Site Links 1 page
In order to process your request:
Mail your application with initial
documentation to:
Board of Massage
PO Box 47852
Olympia, WA 98504-7852
Contact us:
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Massage School Program Approval, Re-Approval, or Apprenticeship Application Instructions
Use the Massage School Program Application for:
First time approval of Massage School/Program
Re-approval of Massage School/Program
First time approval of Massage Apprenticeship Program
Re-approval of Massage Apprenticeship Program
Application Instructions
The principal responsibility of the Board of Massage is to safeguard the public’s health and safety by ensuring that licensed massage practitioners are qualified to perform therapeutic massage and that the schools or apprenticeship programs where they study will provide the education they need to do so. The Board is comprised of four licensed massage practitioners and one member of the general public.
In order to expedite this process, schools and apprenticeship programs submitting applications are urged to read the instructions carefully. Please put together an application that is complete and easy to analyze. Double check the application before submitting it. The instructions include a final checklist to use before mailing the application.
The process for considering your application is as follows:
The application is assigned and sent to two members of the Board for their review and evaluation.
At the next meeting of the full Board, the two assigned Reviewing Board Members (RBMs) will summarize their findings and make a recommendation to the full Board. The Board then votes to approve, or send a list of additional information needed, or deficiencies to remedy, or deny the application.
Approval means that the school may operate as a licensed massage school in Washington for the length of that approval period.
A deficiency letter means the Board requires additional information from the school prior to program approval.
When an applicant sends additional information, the Board reconsiders the application at a future Board meeting.
All completed massage school program or apprenticeship program application packets must be submitted in triplicate, separated into three ring binders, and contain the following:
Completed massage school program/apprenticeship program application packet.
Completed Table of Contents (included in massage school program/apprenticeship program application packet)
Supporting documents for each standard listed in the Table of Contents must have consecutive page numbers and be separated and tabbed as follows:
Standard One: Curriculum Tab 1
Standard Two: Academic Standards Tab 2
Standard Three: Faculty Tab 3
Standard Four: Student Clinic and/or Externships Tab 4
Standard Five: Health, Sanitation and Facilities Tab 5
Standard Six: Professional Conduct Tab 6
Standard Seven: Records Tab 7
Standard Eight: Eligibility Tab 8
Labeled photographs of the following:
Exterior of the building in which the school operates, and
The classroom, and
Any other area utilized for student clinic.
Schools accredited by the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA):
In addition to the above requirements, COMTA accredited schools must submit proof of current accreditation. COMTA accreditation must reconcile to the program year(s) in which Board approval is being requested. (For example: Massage School 1 is seeking board approval for their 500 hour program that took place in 2004 to 2006. COMTA accreditation need to be for the 2004 to 2006, 500 hour massage program).
The Board may conduct a site review. To ensure continued compliance, periodic follow up site reviews may be conducted by the Board.
We look forward to receiving your application. If you have any questions or need clarification on the application process, please contact us at 360-236-4700.
Massage School Program/Apprenticeship Standards
The Board of Massage uses the following standards and requires supporting documentation to evaluate a school/apprenticeship program’s eligibility for approval:
To expedite the application process, read the instructions carefully. Please submit an application that is complete and easy to review. Double check the application before submitting it. The following standards, required documentation list and checklist are consistent with the items Board members use to review applications.
Massage school program/apprenticeship
Program checklist Yes No
Completed Application form (DOH 676-127) ____ ____
Is the program COMTA approved? ____ ____
(COMTA approved programs are not required to submit information
regarding evidence of standards 2, 5, 6, 7, or 8)
Attestation signed by an authorized representative (DOH 676-127) ____ ____
Completed Massage Program Courses Offered form (DOH 676-128) ____ ____
Completed Table of Contents form (DOH 676-117) ____ ____
Standard One – Curriculum – Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 246-830-430
The curriculum shall be designed and presented to meet or exceed the minimum requirements below. An hour of training is defined as fifty (50) minutes of actual instruction time.
500 hours of in-class, teacher supervised instruction, taught over a minimum of six months. In class hours must include a minimum of the following:
130 hours of anatomy and physiology (a minimum of 40 hours must be in Kinesiology), including palpation, range of motion and physics of joint functions.
50 hours of pathology, including indications and contraindications for massage therapy.
265 hours of theory and practice of massage to include technique, remedial gymnastics, body mechanics of the practitioner and the impact of techniques on pathologies. Hydrotherapy shall be included when consistent with the particular area of practice. A maximum of 50 hours may be counted in student clinic.
55 hours of clinical/business practices, at a minimum to include hygiene, record keeping, medical terminology, professional ethics, business management, human behavior, client interaction, and state and local laws.
A statement regarding how a student will obtain Certification in American Red Cross first aid and American Heart Association CPR or the equivalent.
Standard One – Required Documentation:
Courses offered is one of the more important means of determining that a school or program is indeed teaching the subject matter that results in capable therapists. Therefore, the application must show what courses are being taught to meet or exceed the above requirements. Because not all schools’ curricula are designed precisely along the lines of Washington’s requirements, the applicant must list any and all courses offered within the massage program on form 676-128 (Massage Program Courses Offered) and submit a syllabus for each course taught. It is vital that Reviewing Board Members (RBMs) are able to reconcile the required hours between the syllabi and the “Courses Offered” list. The application may be returned to the applicant for clarification or additional information if this information is not provided.
Form 676-128 (Massage Program Courses Offered Spreadsheet): The applicant must list all courses taught in the program and not just those that satisfy Washington’s minimum requirements. The grand total hours of all courses offered must be the same as the total number of hours listed on Page 1 of the Massage School Program Application (Form 676-127).
Course syllabi (one for each course offered) must include the following:
Course title
Subject matter per WAC 246-830-430 (for example: anatomy and physiology 130 hours, kinesiology 40 hours, etc.)
Course hours
Instructor’s name
Student competencies to be accomplished in the form of measurable objectives for the course (using terms such as “demonstrate, identify, locate” rather than “understand, recognize, evaluate”)
Learning activities
Evaluation procedures
Course schedule (must include course dates and times)
Textbooks and other instructional materials used
Sample tests for the each course offered in the following:
Anatomy and physiology, and
Massage therapy and practice, and
Practical demonstration
Statement regarding how a student will obtain First Aid and CPR training
Institutional philosophy or mission statement
Standard One Checklist – Curriculum
(hours expressed as minimums) Yes No
Massage Program Courses Offered Spreadsheet form (DOH 676-128)
130 hours of anatomy and physiology
(a minimum of 40 hours must be in kinesiology) ____ ____
40 hours or more of kinesiology (listed separately) ____ ____
50 hours of pathology ____ ____
265 hours of massage theory and practice ____ ____
55 hours of clinical/business practices ____ ____
Do required course hours match those listed in the course syllabi? ____ ____
Are all other courses listed on the Massage Program Courses
Offered Spreadsheet for (DOH 676-128)? ____ ____
Do all course hours total program hours listed on
page 1 of application? ____ ____
An explanation has been provided for discrepancies between
all course hours and total program hours listed on page 1 of application ____ ____
Course syllabi (one for each course offered)
Sample tests for each course offered in the following:
Anatomy and physiology ____ ____
Massage theory and practice ____ ____
Practical demonstration ____ ____
Statement on how a student will obtain First Aid and CPR training ____ ____
Institutional philosophy or mission statement ____ ____
Standard Two – Academic Standards
The massage school program instructors or apprenticeship trainer will regularly evaluate the quality of the instruction, and provide students with expected competence and progress standards.
Each successful phase of the program and graduation from the program is dependent on the students proficiency of the knowledge and skills presented. Standard Two documentation is not required if the school is accredited by Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA).
Standard Two – Required Documentation
A clear statement or policy defining the minimum standards for measuring student progress
Copies of policies and procedures for:
Admission (How do you determine who to admit?)
Progression (How is learning measured and how do students progress through the program?)
Dismissal (What are the corrective measures when a student is found not to be meeting minimum standards?)
Transfer policy (Do you allow student(s) to transfer into your program after it begins? If so, explain how.
Standard Two Checklist – Academic Standards
(not required if COMTA approved): Yes No
Statement or policy on minimum standards for measuring student progress ____ ____
Copies of policies and procedures for:
Admission (how do you determine who to admit?) ____ ____
Progression (how is learning measured and how do
students progress through the program?) ____ ____
Graduation ____ ____
Withdrawal ____ ____
Dismissal (what are the corrective measures when
a student is found not to be meeting minimum standards?) ____ ____
Transfer Policy (Do you allow a student(s) to transfer into
your program after it begins?) ____ ____
Standard Three – Faculty:
Massage school program instructors or, an apprenticeship program trainer are required to be qualified by training and experience to provide effective instruction in the subjects they are teaching. They are required to develop and evaluate curriculum instruction methods and facilities; student discipline, welfare, and counseling; assist in the establishment of administrative and educational policies; and provide for a student’s scholarly and professional growth. Schools, programs, and apprenticeship trainers shall not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, age, color, religion, individuals with disabilities, or national or ethnic origin in the recruitment of students or in the hiring of faculty.
Standard Three – Required Documentation:
A policy for ensuring minimum competency standards for instructors (not necessary for apprenticeship programs), and
A statement or policy describing faculty members’ participation in curriculum development and evaluation (not necessary for apprenticeship programs), and
A professional resume for each instructor or trainer, and
A listing of all courses each instructor or trainer plans to teach/instruct, and
A non-discrimination policy statement, as outlined above
Standard Three Checklist – Faculty: Yes No
Policy on minimum competency standards for instructors ____ ____
Statement or policy on faculty members’ participation in curriculum
development and evaluation ____ ____
Professional resumes for each instructor or trainer ____ ____
A listing of all courses each instructor or trainer plans to teach/instruct ____ ____
A non-discrimination policy statement ____ ____
Standard Four – Student Clinic and/or Externship:
All clinical facilities are required to be adequate in size and resources for students to practice massage on the general public. All rooms used for consultations, massage therapy or treatment are required to be properly equipped with the resources needed to practice clinical hygiene procedures. Massage school program instructors or, an apprenticeship program trainer who are licensed massage practitioners, and adequately experienced in massage therapy, must be present in the clinic at all times that the clinic is open, and have direct supervision of, or make final decisions on, the massage therapy that is rendered to a client by a student. Clinic or Externship hours may not count for more than 50 of the minimum 500 hours required for graduation.
An externship or field experience course shall have clear learning objectives and be supervised by a licensed massage practitioner. A student shall be evaluated by both the licensed massage practitioner and a member of the school facility.
For clinic and externship/field experience, each general public client will receive a written notice that the practitioner is a student. Public clients will be urged to submit a written evaluation of the student’s performance.
Standard Four – Required Documentation:
Policies regarding student review of patient information, and a treatment decision making policy, which includes guidelines for the student and role of the instructor, and
Disclosure statement provided to clients, and
Client intake and screening form, and
Client feedback form
Standard Four Checklist – Student Clinic and/or Externships: Yes No
A. Policies regarding student review of patient information,
and a treatment decision making policy, which includes
guidelines for the student and role of the instructor ____ ____
B. Disclosure statement provided to clients ____ ____
C. Client intake and screening form ____ ____
D. Client feedback form ____ ____
Standard Five – Health, Sanitation, and Facilities:
All programs will have adequate facilities and equipment available for students learning massage therapy. All facility equipment will be maintained according to local rules and ordinances. Instruction and practice equipment shall be similar to that commonly found in a professional practice. An adequate reference library, appropriate to the subjects being taught is required. Standard Five documentation is not required if the school is accredited by COMTA.
Standard Five – Required Documentation:
Detailed floor plan of the facility (dimensions required), include labeled photograph
Floor plan of student clinic if offered (dimensions required), include labeled photograph
List of equipment available to students in the classroom
List of equipment available to the student clinic, if offered
List of library resources
Standard Five Checklist – Health, Sanitation and Facilities
(not required if COMTA approved) Yes No
A. Detailed floor plan of the facility (dimensions and facility photo required) ____ ____
B. Floor plan of student clinic, if offered (dimensions and student
clinic photo required) ____ ____
C. List of equipment available to students in classroom ____ ____
D. List of equipment available in the student clinic, if offered ____ ____
E. List of library resources ____ ____
Standard Six – Professional Conduct:
Approved educational programs will follow professional standards. Students will be taught and will consistently practice professional draping techniques. Students will be fully clothed while giving a massage. Classroom nudity is prohibited. Students will be taught to professionally respond to client requests. Standard Six documentation is not required if the school is accredited by COMTA.
Standard Six – Required Documentation:
Copies of policies that outline faculty and student conduct, as stated in Standard Six, above.
Standard Six Checklist – Professional Conduct
(not required if COMTA approved) Yes No
A. Policies on faculty and student conduct ____ ____
Standard Seven – Records:
Attendance records and educational performance records will be accurate, organized, and secured in a safe place. Transcripts are available upon a student’s request. Standard Seven documentation is not required if the school is accredited by COMTA.
Standard Seven – Required Documentation:
A. Sample transcript and certificate of completion
B. Policy describing how student records are released
Standard Seven Checklist – Records
(not required if COMTA approved) Yes No
A. Sample transcript and certificate of completion ____ ____
B. Policy describing how student records are released ____ ____
Standard Eight – Eligibility:
Washington schools must have been approved by the Washington Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board. Schools located outside of Washington must provide verification that their school meets their state’s equivalent to Washington Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board’s approval.
This section is not applicable to an apprenticeship program unless more than one apprentice is in training at any given time. In Washington, if a trainer would like to enter into an apprenticeship agreement with more than one student at any given time, he or she must first become certified as a private vocational school through Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board. Please contact their office by phone at: 360-753-5662, or by fax at: 360-586-5862. Their mailing address is:
Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board
128 10th Ave SW
PO Box 43105
Olympia, WA 98504-3105
Please submit a copy of the certificate of approval to this program.
Standard Eight – Required Documentation:
Copy of approval letter from the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board (Washington schools only) indicating that the program has been approved for the same time period as that covered by the massage program application.
Schools located outside of Washington must provide verification or an approval letter from their state’s equivalent to the Washington Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board. Verification needs to indicate that the program has been approved for the same time period as that covered by the massage program application.
Standard Eight Checklist – Eligibility
(not required if COMTA approved) Yes No
A. Copy of Washington State Workforce Training Education
Coordinating Board Certificate or other state equivalency (if applicable) ____ ____
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Board of Massage Credentialing
P.O. Box 47852
Olympia, WA 98504-7852
(360) 236-4700
Massage School Program or Apprenticeship Application
New massage school/program
New apprenticeship program
Re-approval massage school/program
Re-approval of apprenticeship program
Name of school or program
Zip code
Phone (enter 10 digit #)
Fax number
Contact email
Program/apprenticeship web site
Owner(s) name(s)
Administrator(s) name(s)
Accreditation Information
Is your school approved by the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA)
or hold any other federally approved accreditations?
If so, please list them. Please attach copies of document verifying accreditation, including the agency’s
name, address and date accreditation was issued.
Program Information
Please provide the following information about the program offered:
Program title:
Length of program:
Name of certificate offered:
Maximum faculty to student ratio:
In classroom:
In student clinic or externship program:
I attest that I am the authorized representative of the above named school or program, and that I am submitting this application for approval by the Washington State Board of Massage in that capacity. I have received and become familiar with The Law Relating to Massage Therapy, RCW 18.108, along with Washington’s Uniform Disciplinary Code RCW 18.130 and Washington’s Administrative Code, chapter 246-830.
I have reviewed the board’s standards for approval, and understand that this application will not be considered by the board if it is incomplete. I understand that a future site visit may be required. Once approved, any modification(s) to the program must be reported to the board within 60 days of the modification per WAC 246-830-420(9).
___________________________________________ ________________________________
Name (typed or printed) Signature of Authorized Representative
Date (mm/dd/yyyy
Board of Massage Credentialing
PO Box 47877
Olympia, WA 98504-7877
(360) 236-4700
Massage School Program or Apprenticeship Application
Table of Contents
Application – Department of Health completed application form.
Page 1
Standard One: Curriculum
Tab 1
| -
Massage Program Courses Offered Spreadsheet
| -
Course syllabi (one for each course offered) must include the following:
Course title
Subject matter per WAC 246-830-430 (for example: anatomy and physiology 130 hours, kinesiology 40 hours, etc.)
Course hours
Instructor(s) name(s)
Student competencies to be accomplished in the form of measurable objectives for the course (using terms such as “demonstrate, identify, locate”, rather than “understand, recognize, evaluate.”)
Learning activities
Evaluation procedures
Course schedule (must include course dates and times)
Textbooks and other instructional materials used
| -
Sample tests for each course offered in the following:
Anatomy and physiology, and
Massage therapy and practice, and
Practical demonstration
| -
A statement regarding how a student will obtain First Aid and CPR training; to include training standards and number of hours required
| -
Institutional philosophy or mission statement
Standard Two: Academic Standards
Tab 2
| -
A clear statement or policy defining the minimum standards for measuring student progress
| -
Copies of policies and procedures for:
Admission (Hour do you determine who to admit?)
Progression (How is learning measured and how do students progress through the program?)
Dismissal (What are the corrective measures when a student is found not to be meeting minimum standards?)
Transfer Policy (Do you allow a student(s) to transfer into your program after it begins? If so, explain how)
Standard Three: Faculty
Tab 3
| -
Policy on minimum competency standards for instructors
| -
A statement or policy on faculty members’ participation in curriculum development and evaluation
| -
A professional resume for each instructor or trainer
| -
A listing of all courses each instructor or trainer plans to teach
| -
A non-discrimination policy statement
Standard Four: Student Clinic and/or Externships
Tab 4
| -
Policies regarding student review of patient information, and a treatment decision making policy, which includes guidelines for the student and role of the instructor
| -
Disclosure statement provided to clients
| -
Client intake and screening form
| -
Client feedback form
Standard Five: Health, Sanitation and Facilities
Tab 5
| -
Detailed floor plan of the facility (dimensions and facility photo required)
| -
Floor plan of student clinic, if offered (dimensions and student clinic photo required)
| -
List of equipment available to students in the classroom
| -
List of equipment available in the student clinic, if offered
| -
List of library resources
Standard Six: Professional Conduct
Tab 6
| -
Policies on faculty and student conduct
Standard Seven: Records
Tab 7
| -
Sample transcript and certificate of completion
| -
Policy describing how student records are released
Standard Eight: Eligibility
Tab 8
| -
Copy of Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board Certificate or other states equivalency (if applicable)
Name of School / Program:
Total Program Hours:
School / Program Location:
Massage Program Courses Offered
WAC 246-830-430
Note: Course title and hours listed here must match the course title and hours listed on the course syllabi
Anatomy & Physiology
(130 hrs w/minimum 40 hr Kinesiology)
(40 hr minimum)
(50 hr minimum)
Massage Theory & Practice
(265 hr minimum, maximum of 50 hr for student clinic)
Clinical/Business Practices
(55 hr minimum)
All Other Program Courses
(include # of hrs per course)
Course Title
Course Hours
Pg. #
Course Hours
Pg. #
Course Hours
Pg. #
Course Hours
Pg. #
Course Hours
Pg. #
Course Hours
Pg. #
Total Course Hours
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RCW/WAC Links and Online Web Sites
Uniform Disciplinary Act RCW 18.130
Administrative Procedure Act RCW 34.05
Administrative procedures and requirements WAC 246-12
Board of Massage Web Page
Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards www.fsmtb.org
Washington State Approved Massage Programs School List
The National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork www.ncbtmb.org
DOH 676-124 March 2012
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