A.12Eddy Viscosity Commands (.tcf)
Latitude == [ {0} | ] 8
MI Projection == [ <.mif file> |
] 8
Snap Tolerance == [ {0.001} | ] 9
BC Control File == <.tbc_file> 17
Check MI Save Date == [ {ERROR} | WARNING | OFF ] 17
Check MI Save Ext == [ {.tab} | ] 17
End 2D Domain 18
ESTRY Control File [ {} | Auto] == <.ecf_file> 18
Geometry Control File == <.tgc_file> 18
Log Folder == 18
Output Folder == 18
Read File == 18
Start 2D Domain == [ {} | <2d_domain_name> ] 19
Write Check Files == [ | {OFF} ] 19
Write Empty MI Files == [ {} | ] 20
End Time == 28
Number Iterations == [ {2} | ] 28
Start Time == 28
Timestep == 28
Timestep During Warmup == [ {timestep} | ] 29
Warmup Time == [ {0} | ] 29
Calibration Points MI File == <.mif/.mid_file> 37
Display Water Level == , 37
Map Output Data Types == [ d E F {h} q R SS t {V} Z1 Z2 Z3 ZH ] 37
Map Output Format == [ {SMS} | SMS WITH LAND CELLS | RMA2 ] 38
Map Output Interval == 38
Mass Balance Output == [ ON | {OFF} ] 38
Read MI GLO == <.mif/.mid_file > 39
Screen/Log Display Interval == [ {1} | ] 39
Start Map Output == 39
Store Maximums and Minimums == [ ON | ON MAXIMUMS ONLY | {OFF} ] 39
Zero Negative Depths in SMS == [ {ON} | OFF ] 40
Bed Resistance Values == [ {MANNING N} | MANNING M | CHEZY ] 48
Depth/Ripple Height Factor Limit == [ {10} | ] 48
Read Materials File == 48
Recalculate Chezy Interval == [ {0} | ] 49
Global FC Ch Factor == [ {0.8} | ] 57
Read MI FC == <.mif/.mid_file> 57
CSV Time == [ {DAYS} | HOURS ] 65
Excel Start Date == 65
Read MI LP == <.mif/.mid_file> 65
Read MI PO == <.mif/.mid_file> 65
Start Time Series Output == 66
Time Series Output Interval == 66
Write PO Online == [ ON | {OFF} ] 66
Read MI IWL == <.mif/.mid_file> 74
Read MID IWL == <.mid_file> 74
Set IWL == 74
Read Restart File == <.trf_file> 82
Write Restart File at Time == 82
Write Restart File Interval == [ {0} | ] 83
Cell Side Wet/Dry Depth == [ {0.03} | ] 91
Cell Wet/Dry Depth == [ {0.05} | ] 91
HX ZC Check == [ {ON} | OFF ] 91
SX ZC Check == [ {ON} | OFF ] 92
Wetting and Drying == [ {ON} | ON NO SIDE CHECKS | OFF ] 92
Free Overfall == [ {ON} | ON WITHOUT WEIRS | OFF ] 100
Free Overfall Factor == [ {0.8} | ] 101
Froude Check == [ {1} | ] 101
Froude Depth Adjustment == [ {ON} | OFF ] 101
Global Weir Factor == [ {1.0} | ] 101
Shallow Depth Weir Factor Cut Off Depth == [ {0} | ] 101
Shallow Depth Weir Factor Multiplier == [ {1} | ] 102
Supercritical == [ {ON} | OFF | PRE 2002-11-AD ] 102
Viscosity Coefficient == [ {1} | ] 110
Viscosity Formulation == [ {CONSTANT} | SMAGORINSKY ] 110
Cell Size == 118
First Sweep Direction == [ AUTOMATIC | {POSITIVE} | NEGATIVE ] 118
Instability Water Level == [ {see_below} | ] 126
Water Level Checks == [ {ON} | OFF ] 126
BC Database == <.csv_file> 134
BC Event Name == 134
BC Event Text == 135
Adjust Head at Estry Interface == [ {ON} | ON VARIABLE | OFF ] 143
Check Inside Grid == [ {ERROR} | WARNING | OFF ] 143
Extrapolate Heads at Flow Boundaries == [ ON | {OFF} ] 143
Null Cell Checks == [ ON | {OFF} ] 144
Oblique Boundary Alignment == [ {NEAREST TO LINE} | CENTRE TO CENTRE ] 144
Oblique Boundary Method == [ {ON} | ON METHOD 2 | OFF ] 144
Unused HX and SX Connections == [ {ERROR} | WARNING ] 145
Apply Wind Stresses == [ ON | ON VARIABLE | {OFF} ] 153
Start Wind Output at Time == 153
Wind Output Interval == 153
Apply Wave Radiation Stresses == [ ON | {OFF} ] 161
Wave Period ==
MI Projection ==
Snap Tolerance == [ {0.001} | ] 9
Check MI Save Date == [ {ERROR} | WARNING | OFF ] 17
Check MI Save Ext == [ {.tab} | ] 17
CSV Format == [ HORIZONTAL | {VERTICAL} ] 17
CSV Time == [ {DAYS} | HOURS ] 17
Log Folder == 17
Output Folder == 18
Read File == 18
Write CSV Online == [ ON | {OFF} ] 18
Write Empty MI Files == [ {} | ] 18
Write Check Files == [ | {OFF} ] 19
Bridge Flow == [ {Method A} | Method B ] 27
Culvert Flow == [ Method A | {Method B} ] 27
End Time == 27
Froude Check == [ {1} | ] 28
Froude Depth Adjustment == [ {ON} | OFF ] 28
Head Rate Creep Factor == [ | {1.2} ] 28
Head Rate Limit == [ ON | {OFF} | ] 28
Head Rate Limit Minimum == [ | {0.001} ] 28
Start Time == 28
Structure Losses == [ ADJUST | {FIX} ] 29
Timestep == 29
Vel Rate Creep Factor == [ | {1.2} ] 29
Vel Rate Limit == [ | {0.2} ] 29
Vel Rate Limit Minimum == [ | {0.0001} ] 29
Order Output == [ {ON} | OFF ] 38
Output Interval [ {} | (s) ] == 38
Output Times Same as 2D == [ {ON} | OFF ] 38
Read MI WLL == <.mif/.mid_file> 39
Read MI WLL Points == <.mif/.mid_file> 39
Start Output == 39
WLL Additional Points == [ {0} | ] 39
WLL Adjust XS Width == [ {ON} | OFF ] 39
WLL Approach == [ {Method A} | Method B ] 39
Apply All Inverts == [ ON | {OFF} ] 48
Conveyance Calculation == [ {CHANGE IN RESISTANCE} | ALL PARALLEL ] 48
Create Nodes == [ {ON} | OFF ] 48
Depth Limit Factor == [ {1} | ] 49
Flow Area == [ {EFFECTIVE} | TOTAL ] 49
M11 Network == <.nwk11_file> 50
Minimum NA == [ {0} | ] 50
Momentum Equation == [ PRE 2003-08-AD ] 50
Pit Channel Offset == [ {10} | ] 50
Read MI Network == <.mif/.mid_file> 50
Read MI Table Links == <.mif/.mid_file> 50
Read Materials File == 51
Relative Resistance == [ {RELATIVE} | MATERIAL ] 51
S Channel Approach == [ PRE 2004-06-AA ] 51
Storage Above Structure Obvert == [ {CHANNEL WIDTH} | ] 51
Trim XZ Profiles == [ ON | {OFF} ] 52
XS Database == 52
[ BG | CS | NA | VG ].... ! Fixed Field Flags 60
BG Data == 60
CS Data == 60
NA Data == 61
VG Data == 61
Read MI IWL == <.mif/.mid_file> 69
Set IWL == 69
BC Database == <.csv_file> 77
BC Event Name == 77
BC Event Text == 78
EB Data == 78
Read MI BC == <.mif/.mid_file> 78
Cell Size == 9
Grid Size (N,M) == , 9
Grid Size (X,Y) == , 9
Orientation == , 9
Orientation Angle == 10
Origin == , 10
Read MI Location == <.mif/.mid_file> 10
Read TGA == <.tga_file> 18
Read TGF == <.tgf_file> 18
External Bndy == , , , 27
Read MI [ MAT | IWL | CnM | FRIC | WrF | FLC ] == 28
Read MI Code [ {} | BC ] == 28
Read MID [ CODE | MAT | IWL | CnM | FRIC | WrF | FLC ] == 28
Read MID Grid == 29
Set [ CODE | MAT | IWL | CnM | FRIC | WrF ] == 29
Write MI Domain == <.mif/.mid_file> 29
Write MI Grid == <.mif/.mid_file> 29
Allow Dangling Z Lines == [ ON | {OFF} ] 38
Default Land Z == 38
Interpolate ZC [ {} | ALL ] [ {} | LOWER ] 38
Interpolate [ ZHC | ZUVC ] [ {} | ALL ] [ {} | AFTER ] 39
Pause When Polyline Does Not Find Zpt == [ ON | {OFF} ] 39
Read MI Z Line [ {} | RIDGE or MAX | GULLY or MIN | HX ] [ {} | CC ] [ {} | THICK ] [ {} | ADD ] == 40
Read MI Zpts [ {} | ADD | MAX | MIN ] == 41
Read MID Zpts [ {} | ADD | MAX | MIN ] == 41
Set Zpt == 42
Write MI Zpts == 42
ZC == MIN(ZU,ZV) 42
Read File == 51
Stop 51
BC Database == <.csv_file> 9
BC Event Name == 9
BC Event Text == 10
Global Rainfall Area Factor == [ {1.0} | ] 10
Global Rainfall BC == 10
Global Rainfall Continuing Loss == [ {0} | ] 10
Global Rainfall Initial Loss == [ {0} | ] 10
Read MI BC == <.mif/.mid_file> 10
Read MI SA [ {} | Rainfall ] == <.mif/.mid_file> 11
Unused HX and SX Connections == [ {ERROR} | WARNING ] 11
Viscosity Coefficient == [ {1} | ]
Sets the viscosity coefficient. It is not recommended that a value other than 1 m2 /s be used for the constant viscosity formulations. Smagorinsky factor is typically between 0.06 to 1.0 (Note: the value used by MIKE 21 is the square root of the value used by TUFLOW. RMA and TUFLOW use the same value.)
Viscosity Formulation == [ {CONSTANT} | SMAGORINSKY ]
Sets the viscosity formulation. Options are:
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