4.4From UltraEdit
To run TUFLOW from UltraEdit go to Advanced, Tool Configuration… to open:
Fill in the fields as shown above, noting the “%f” after the path to TUFLOW.exe, and you can “Run TUFLOW” from the Advanced menu as illustrated below when the active file in UltraEdit is a .tcf file.
Note: The “%f” and “%P” are case sensitive. For example, if “%F” is used, this forces filenames to be based on the old DOS eight character filenaming convention.
Note: as of Version 9 of Ultraedit, the new “Show DOS Box” checkbox must be checked on. The “Capture Output” checkbox is useful if the TUFLOW output displayed to the DOS window is needed (this particularly useful if running Windows 98 as Windows 98 DOS windows have no buffer).
Using the entry below for the Command Line: field in the Tool Configuration menu above starts TUFLOW with a low priority on Windows NT and 2000.
start "TUFLOW" /wait /low D:\Tuflow\Release\TUFLOW.exe "%f"
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