add to .tgc file:
Read MI Mat == mi\2d_mat_my_model.mif
Each material must be assigned a Manning’s n value using Read Materials File. This command reads a simple text file, an example of which is shown below. The file is named with a .tmf extension (eg. “my_model.tmf”) in the “model” folder.
Use Read Materials File in the .tcf file to read the .tmf file as follows.
add to .tcf file:
Read Materials File == ..\model\my_model.tmf
Setup up the 1D control file (.ecf file)
Create an empty .ecf text file (eg. my_model.ecf) and place it in the runs folder.
In the .tcf file, use ESTRY Control File to specify the .ecf file. It is strongly recommended that the Auto option be specified to force the user to name the .ecf file to be the same as the .tcf file.
add to .tcf file:
ESTRY Control File Auto ! looks for a .ecf file with the same name as the .tcf file
In the .ecf file, progress through and enter the various commands. Those that are mandatory or most commonly used for a 2D/1D model are: Start Output, Output Interval, Timestep, Output Folder, Read MI Network and Read MI BC. Note: it is NOT necessary to use .ecf commands such as MI Projection, Start Time and End Time and ecfTimestep as these are only relevant for a 1D only model.
.ecf file:
Start Output == 1 ! start output at 1 hour
Output Interval (s) == 300 ! output 1D results every 5 minutes
Output Folder == ..\results ! output results to the results folder
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