Tuflow and estry manual Version 3

Build 2004-06-AC to 2001-03-AA

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9.2Build 2004-06-AC to 2001-03-AA

Table 10 .36 lists new features and changes to TUFLOW and ESTRY since March 2001. The Build ID is shown as well to indicate when the change occurred.
Table 10.36 New Features Since March 2001 in Reverse Chronological Order




If WLL points Material attribute is set to zero (0), then relative resistance is set to 1. Also if a negative value is specified, this is treated as a Manning’s n value.

New ecf command “S Channel Approach == [PRE 2004-06-AA ]” to use the S channel approach prior to 2004-06-AA for backward compatibility. This only affects S channels when the downstream end is dry and also applies the Froude Check value more correctly as being squared (ie. a number of 0.64 entered for Froude Check prior to 2004-06-AA would now be entered as 0.8).

Requires USB compatible dongle drivers.


Fixed bugs in WLLs for Method A that crept in with Method B.

For WLL Method B added in RR value. Must be entered as a material value in the second attribute of the 1d_WLLp layer. The RR is calculated as the Material n value divided by the channel’s n value. For B and W channels, RR is calculated as the Material n value divided by the Material n value at the middle WLLp.

The velocity across a WLL is determined by carrying out a relative resistance analysis across the whole WLL. This is independent of the main channel n value, therefore, if the RR values are all doubled, the velocity appearing in SMS does not change. In effect, what is changing is the water surface slope at that point. This is relying on the modeller to have selected a representative cross-section for that channel that produces an appropriate slope down the channel.

For WLL Method B, R and C culvert channels are always set to just three points across WLL set at the culvert bed regardless of the dMin value or number of WLLps. The RR value is also set to 1 regardless of other inputs. Not available in Method A.


Improved S channels when d/s end dry by utilising G channel approach for estimating d/s head when free-overfalling. New flags: “#” when not u/s controlled but free-overfalling as per G channels) and “D” when u/s controlled and d/s end Dry.


First Sweep Direction default now set to POSITIVE. For backward compatibility, set to AUTOMATIC.

Removed writing _tcf_check file as no longer supported. tcf commands now put out in tlf file in similar manner to ecf commands.

Switched off dongle checks for network dongles whilst running.

Output Folder for ESTRY output now defaults to that specified in the .tcf file unless the Output Folder command is specified in the .ecf file.

Fixed bug that incorrectly placed the BC dbase folder in front of the Source pathname when it is specified as a non-relative pathname.

Fixed bug that tried to write 1D .csv output for 2D only models.


New tcf and ecf (1D only) command “CSV Time == [ {DAYS} | HOURS ]”. If set to HOURS, time column is in simulation hours instead of days. If in tcf file, also applies to ecf file.


TUFLOW.mat file now named .mat file.

New command “First Sweep Direction == [ {AUTOMATIC} | POSITIVE | NEGATIVE ]” to set the numerical sweeping direction of the predictor/corrector stages in the Stelling solution. The automatic approach applies that in Stelling 1984. The others provide certainty over results so that zero changes occur in a model away from the effect of the change in the after-case simulation. See Build 2004-05-AF.


For ZH map output all cells now set as wet.

Identified problem where if two or more SA inputs of the same name cover the same cell(s), then second, third… inflows are not included.


Added floating decks to FC (FD type). Works same as bridge decks, except the obvert value is the depth of the deck underside below the water surface.


Fixed bug that didn’t recognise Read File command only for WLL – introduced when READ MI WLL POINT added.


Increased number of allowable breakline points and lines to 500,000 and 100,000 respectively.


Fixed bug which did not lower the ZC value if Z flag is specified on a 2D SX line and the 2D SX is snapped to the 1D node (ie. no CN is used).


Changed location of .wor log file to same folder as .tcf file (otherwise paths to .tab files not set correctly).

New command Mass Balance Output == [ ON | {OFF} ]. If set to ON outputs a _MB.csv file containing information on the mass balance calcs. Only applies to 2D domain(s). Not applicable if any Q or V boundaries are used.

Increased maximum number of allowable channels contributing to 1D NA storage in tablin.


New .tgc command “Interpolate ZC All Lower [ {} | ALL ] [ {} | LOWER ]” that interpolates ZC values only as per Interpolate ZHC. New option “LOWER” that sets the ZC value based on the average of the two lowest ZU/ZV points. Can provide significant benefits in terms of stability in areas of high flow and bumpy terrain (eg. from aerial laser data) by providing a smoother flowpath through the lowest lying cells.


TUFLOW_Coordinates.map file no longer output.

Included sleep (100 by 6sec) for dongle testing if standalone dongle error.

Fixed bug that incorrectly included in the .mif file causing a mif import error, line segments of a 2d_po flow polyline that did not contribute to the flow calcs (eg. very short line segment). Does not effect flow estimations.

Pause When Polyline Does Not Find Zpt default now set to OFF (use _messages.mif file to check Zpts not found).


Read MI IWL in .tcf file now available.


Incorporated ignoring of non-land/null cells for a number of routines – this should increase speed, especially for models with large numbers of land/null cells.


Fixed bug only relating to multiple 2D domains (lmxd incorrectly set).

Changed .sup file so that filenames with spaces are correctly recognised by SMS.


Fixed bug that did not allocate array space correctly for FCs in multiple 2D domains.


Fixed recent bug that incorrectly wrote 1d_to_2d_check.mif “Z_Bed_1D” attribute name – previously wrote “Z_Bed 1D”.


Fixed up bug that placed XY message “CHECK - 2D HX boundary link applied more than once at cell” offset from correct place.

.wor written to same location as .tcf file – contains all input layers that can be opened through MapInfo. No map or browser window opened. Allows viewing of layers used by that simulation.

_errors & warnings.mif and check.mif files combined into one file named _messages.mif. This and new .wor and .tlf files are, by default, output to the same folder as the .tcf file.

New .tcf command Log Folder can be used to write these files (except .wor file) to another folder – recommend a folder called “log” under the runs folder.

Set the alignment of oblique boundaries as nearest to line as the default. Need to specify “Oblique Boundary Alignment == CENTRE TO CENTRE” for backward compatibility.


Further enhancements to WLL Method B. 1d_wllo (WLL lines and regions) and 1d_wllp (wll points) check files. 1d_wll now has one attribute for Method B – this attribute is the max distance for generating intermediate points along a WLL. The 1d_wllp file can be point inspected and used in the new “Read MI WLL Points” command to assign elevations from a DTM (rather than use the channel processed data).


New command “HX ZC Check == [ {ON} | OFF ]” similar to SX ZC Check.

New “Z” flag for 2D HX 2d_bc objects. Similarly to SX Z flag, ZC is adjusted to the interpolated node bed level, if the node bed level is above ZC value.

Highlighted 2D HX cells that are too low now only occur in the 2d_to_1d check file if HX ZC Check is set to OFF.

If SX ZC Check is set to OFF, a WARNING is now given if the 2D SX ZC value is above the 1D node bed.


_error & warning and _check .mif/mid files now closed before stopping simulation so can import without closing DOS window.

Changed level exceedance warnings to be prefixed with “UNSTABLE”.

Added ZC and interpolated node bed level to 1d_to_2d check.mif file.


New command for .tcf file “Oblique Boundary Alignment == [ { CENTRE TO CENTRE } | NEAREST TO LINE ]”. This sets the default for the approach to selecting boundary cells along an oblique line. Default changed to “NEAREST TO LINE” in Build 2004-02-AA.


Tested optimising code to a higher level and improved speed by ~10%.


ERROR message now occurs if the array size of a boundary table or 1d_ta table is zero.


Can now specify a .mif file as an argument to the MI Projection command in .tcf and .ecf files.


Incorporated dynamic memory allocation – major changes to code.


Fixed never reported bug that does not correctly interpret “Oblique Boundary Method == ON METHOD 2” command.

Added Trim XZ Profiles command that trims the XZ profile from a ISIS .dat file before the “left” and after the “right” – this affects how the end points of the XZ profile are used to calculate the hydraulic properties.


Now recognise both ISIS 8 and 12 character River ID lengths. Previously assumed 8.

Fixed minor bugs in WLL mesh generation.


Fixed up bug in 1d_wll for Method A and B. Doesn’t effect water levels, just affects the width of the elements along the WLL in some instances.




Fixed up bug that didn’t write _ZH.dat data.


New command for .ecf file “WLL Approach == [ {Method A} | Method B ]”. Method A is that used for previous versions and still utilises the WLL Additional Points command. Method B allows for >3-point WLLs.

WLLs can now have more than 3 vertices. Rules are:

1. 2-point lines must cross a channel line
2. 3-point lines must cross a channel line and do not have to snap – the channel selected is that closest to the middle point
3. >3-point lines must snap to a channel line. The snapped point must not be one of the end points on the WLL


Commented out 1d and 2d messages to _check.mif file as info now available through 2d_1d_check.mif file.

Fixed recent bug that didn’t allocate n value from ISIS .dat file cross-section to channel.


Now allow consecutive X values in a XZ table to be equal when checking for ascending values.


Added “N” flag to XZ table data to indicate third column is Manning’s n values.

Reading of XZ data from ISIS .dat files via the Topo_ID attribute in the 1d_nwk layer. Data exported to the 1d_ta_check.csv file.

Fixed up bug in XZ table output in ta_check.csv file that would output all widths for each elevation – probably came in with the effective width feature.

Added additional output such as depth and radius to 1d_ta_check.csv

Added MIKE 11 and ISIS processed data cross-sections to 1d_ta_check.csv.


Fixed error message that incorrectly advised which MIKE 11 cross-section could not be found (always reported last cross-section in .txt file rather than the one it was looking for).

Can now differentiate between RAFTS g12 and g16 .tot and .loc formats.


If an SX cell falls on an inactive cell (Code of 0 (land) or –1 (null)), the cell is now made active. A CHECK is issued to the _check.mif file.

Set Vel Rate Limit Minimum value as 0.0001 as the default. May cause some backward incompatibilities. For backward compatibility set to zero (0).


New 1D _TSF.mif output showing time history of the regime flags and velocity rate limit value (control channels) as output to the .eof file.

New .ecf command “Vel Rate Limit Minimum == [ {0.0} | ]” to set the minimum allowable velocity rate limit value (du) a channel can reach – may change the default from 0.0 in a later release (see next release).

Fixed bug that displayed R channels has having a Width of zero in .eof file – correct width is used in computations. Also conveyance values.

Included arrays to store the flow width (in addition to storage width) for use in the momentum equation. May affect results for 1D channels, which have varying relative resistance across the section. New .ecf command “Momentum Equation == [ PRE 2003-08-AD ]” to provide backward compatibility.

Can now manually specify flow width through a CS table using the E flag (must be in Column 6).


Conflict in .ecf files of “WR” fixed field lines and “WRITE…” commands fixed (only occurred if “WR” was uppercase). BG, CV, VG and WR fixed field entries now not case sensitive.


Swapped culvert flow regime flag from first character to second, and “L” vel limiting flag from second to first so that it is not overwritten when a non-inertial channel becomes full.


New command in .ecf file Head Calculation == [ {Method A} | Method B ] to test use of time centering mass balance equation during second half of timestep in ESTRY – undocumented feature.

For some reason, the default for .ecf Write Check Files was set to ON. Now back to OFF.


Included test for presence of dongle when running TUFLOW.exe with no arguments.

Changed 1d_nwk culv coefficients to more correctly represent their purpose. The new attribute names are:

  • Culv_H_Contraction_Coef (previously Culv_Height_Entry_Loss)

  • Culv_W_Contraction_Coef (previously Culv_Width_Entry_Loss)

  • Culv_Entry_Loss (previously Culv_Full_Entry_Loss)

  • Culv_Exit_Loss (unchanged)

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