Contents: introduction chapter I literature of the age of enlightenment

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An outline History of english literature

The main artistic language of the Enlightenment was classicism, inherited from the 17th century. This style corresponded to the rationalistic nature of enlightenment thinking and its high moral principles. Defending the democratic direction of art, the enlighteners introduced a new hero, the commoner, into literature as a positive image, they sang and glorified his work, his morality, they depicted his suffering sympathetically and penetratingly. They glorified the power of the human mind, called to the judgment of reason the ideology and state institutions of feudalism. Everything that did not meet the principle of rationality, that did not contribute to the well-being of the people, was condemned by them for destruction. In the course of the study, the goal set at the beginning of the work was achieved. The biographies of the authors, their creative path and the features of their most famous novels were studied - "
Gulliver's Travels is a satirical philosophical and political novel at an early stage in the development of educational literature in England, when the genre of the novel is in the process of becoming.
Swift had a huge influence on the later English Enlightenment realists. Swiftian motifs run through all the work of Fielding, Smollett. Subsequently, Swift's genre of generalizing satire, based on the realistic use of science fiction, found brilliant successors in the person of Saltykov-Shchedrin and Anatoly France.
In the days of the revolution, an extremely characteristic figure of a puritan appeared in England in terms of thoughts, behavior and even appearance, which subsequently caused so much ridicule, sarcasm and indignation on the part of writers and poets. Historian M.A. Bargh painted a magnificent portrait of the Puritans of the 17th century. “They were easily recognizable by the outward severity that emanated from their whole appearance. On their face is the eternal seal of inner concentration and piety. They are silent and callous in dealing with people; The plain black costume of the Puritan stands out sharply among the bright attire of the Anglicans. Its collars and cuffs are of plain linen, in contrast to the silks and lace of the nobility. The Puritan does not tolerate the slightest manifestation of cheerfulness: laughter and singing, dancing and theatrical performances, games and music - all this for him is only shameful frivolity, an obsession of the devil, sheer sin. The Puritan is thrifty to the point of stinginess, he is industrious and industrious."
We will see the figure of a puritan hypocrite on the pages of Swift's pamphlet "The Tale of the Barrel", in the novels of Fielding, Dickens.
Puritan manners have left their stamp on the whole of English bourgeois society, right down to our times. Descendants of the 17th century Puritans. persecuted in the 19th century. Byron, Shelley, Keats, they judged the Luddites, set up "workhouses" for the poor, whose nightmares Dickens described.

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