S There are lots of things
which don't get
allowed to bring in delicacies from home
nearly so much attention Sometimes it's
for friends and relatis es here I'm
do with relationships in the
defending someone at the moment who
community as when bills, aren't paid or
has exactly that problem
contracted » ork isn't completed, or
What happened
neighbours disagree At other times it's to
It's an interesting case Have >ou got time
do with people not understanding the
for a cup of coffee
I'll tell you about it if
law and their responsibilities and this is
you like
probably where
overseas students have
That'd be great
the most difficulty One interesting
example is customs laws — something
Section 3
which every new arrival has to come up
It was a boy from Vietnam
coming to study here and he was caught
A What is it that overseas students find
bringing in some processed pork and
most difficult to understand about
some Vietnamese sweets for his relatives
Australian customs regulations
Adam Doesn't exactly sound criminal
S 1 think it's a shock to many people
No, well, he was going to be staying with
arriving here for the first time to find out
them and no doubt the family wanted to
how many things are prohibited —
show their gratitude and appreciation so
everyday food items, for example I
they decided to send something from
mean, when I've been travelling overseas,
home that might not be available over
I've been quite
amazed at the lack of
concern in some countries about food
Of course
1 can imagine doing the same
being brought in from other parts of the
world without any check
Yes, but the leaflet attached to the
A You mean, people arriving into other
customs declaration says very clearly in
countries don't have to declare any
red letters that no food of any kind may
foodstuffs at all
be brought into Australia and every
S In some countries there are lots of
passenger coming in must sign a
warnings about drugs and firearms and
declaration to say that they're not
there are usually limits
on alcohol and
carrying any food with them
tobacco and perhaps perfume, but food's
That's right, I can remember doing it, too
not mentioned
So this chap is really in trouble, is he
A Yes, I suppose I never thought about it till
He certainly is
After he d told the
I came here You can take anything you
customs officer that he wasn t tarrying
like into England, as far as food is
any food, the goods were found in his
concerned that is
S You see, here, you can't even drive from
Oh, so they searched him
one state to another with a few apples
They did And of course ne looked really
and oranges for the journey You have to
guilty, being caught w
ith that food in his
leave all fruit in a special deposit box at
the border It's the same when you're
He must've been shocked to realize that
flying There are signs to remind you not
the customs officer thought he had
to bring any fruit into some states,
broken the law and he was being charged
though they don't usually search your
with a criminal offence
1 mean, most
bags, unless there's a fruit fly epidemic or
people understand about drugs and
weapons and such obviously prohibited
A Hm With those kinds of regulations
items but I suppose they don t see food in
between states, it's no wonder that
quite the same way
they're so strict about what you can bring
The thing is, we are an island and we do
in from overseas Of course, farmers
have crops
and livestock to protect The
would be wiped out if some pest were
average person doesn t understand how
introduced which destroyed their whole
dangerous some imported foodstufts tan
crop It's easy to understand why you
should take steps to prevent that
Then it sounds like you re in for a lough
S And with food being such an important
time defending this chap Dm, what re
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