Customs and habits of uzbekistan

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Beshik Tuyi
Beshik Tuyi (wooden cradle) is a ritual celebration related to the first putting the baby into the cradle. It is one of the most ancient and widespread ceremonies in Uzbekistan. Usually, such event is held on the 7th, 9th or 11th day from the birthday of the baby. In various regions the ceremony has its specific features and depends on the family’s income level: rich families usually celebrate this event on a large scale, while families with low income celebrate it moderately. Beshik (cradle) and necessary items for the baby are provided by the relatives of the baby’s mother. Flat bread, sweets and toys are wrapped in dastarkhan (tablecloth).
Gifts are prepared for the baby’s parents, grandparents. Richly decorated beshik, dasturkhans and gifts are loaded on the car everybody together with the guests depart for the parents’ house under sounds of surnay, karnay and tambourine. According to the tradition, the baby’s grandfather takes the delivered beshik onto right shoulder, then he passes it to his son’s right shoulder, who then delivers it to the baby’s mother. In the past faces used to be coated with white flour in order to ensure that all the intentions of the guests were pure and good. Guests are invited to the guest room to the richly served table and while guests help themselves, listen to music and enjoy their time, ceremony of the baby’s swaddling and putting him into the cradle is held in the next room in presence of elder women. At the end of the ceremony guests come to the baby in order to take a look at him, bring their presents for him and throw parvarda (local sweets) and sugar squares onto the beshik. At this time the ceremony is over and guests return their homes.
Khatna kilish
Khatna kilish is another ancient Uzbek ceremony that was sanctified by Islam (Sunnat Tuyi). This ceremony is held among boys of age of 3, 5, 7, 9 , and rarely age of 11-12. Performing the sunnat is controlled by the community. From the moment of birth of a boy parents start preparations for the sunnat-tuyi by purchasing necessary items gradually. Several months prior the ceremony which also colled «wedding» («tuy») immediate preparations for it start. Relatives and neighbors help in sewing the quilts, preparing the wedding gifts. All these stuff are ordered to be done by women with many kids. Before the event the Qur’an is read in presence of elderly people from the mahalla (neighborhood), imam from the mosque and relatives. Table is set for the event, then suras from the Qur’an are read, and elder people bless the boy.
After this the «great» wedding starts. Before the «wedding» the boy is presented gifts in presence of neighbors, elders, relatives. In the past there was a tradition of granting the foal, on which the boy was seated to mark that from then he was the men-warrior. Everybody congratulates the boy and give him money and sweets, then all this process continues in the women’s part as well. The same day the ceremony of putting together the quilts, pillows onto the chest-box («takhurar») is held among the women and this is done by a woman who has many kids. Lavish entertainment including pilaf ends the ceremonial. According to the tradition, after serving pilaf, the fire is set in the yard in the evening, and people dance, set various games around the fire. The celebrations continue on the next day.

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