Data Mining: The Textbook

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1-Data Mining tarjima

Query logs: These correspond to the queries posed by a user in a search engine. Aside from the commercial search engine providers, such logs may also be available to Web site owners if the site contains search features.

These types of logs can be used with a wide variety of applications. For example, the browsing behavior of users can be extracted to make recommendations. The area of Web usage mining is too large to be covered by a section of a single chapter. Therefore, the goal of this section is to provide an overview of how the various techniques discussed in this book can be mapped to Web usage mining. The bibliographic notes contain pointers to more detailed Web mining books on this topic. One major issue with Web log applications is that logs contain data that is not cleanly separated between different users and is therefore difficult to directly use in arbitrary application settings. In other words, significant preprocessing is required.

18.6.1 Data Preprocessing

A log file is often available as a continuous sequence of entries that corresponds to the user accesses. The entries for different users are typically interleaved with one another randomly, and it is also difficult to distinguish different sessions of the same user.

Typically, client-side cookies are used to distinguish between different user sessions. However, client-side cookies are often disabled due to privacy concerns at the client end. In such cases, only the IP address is available. It is hard to distinguish between different users on the basis of IP addresses only. Other fields, such as user agents and referrers, are often used to further distinguish. In many cases, at least a subset of the users can be identified to a reasonable level of granularity. Therefore, only the subset of the logs, where the users can be identified, is used. This is often sufficient for application-specific scenarios. The bibliographic notes contain pointers to preprocessing methods for Web logs.

The preprocessing leads to a set of sequences in the form of page views, which are also referred to as click streams . In some cases, the graph of traversal patterns, as it relates to the link structure of the pages at the site, is also constructed. For query logs, similar sequences are obtained in the form of search tokens, rather than page views. Therefore, in spite of the difference in the application scenario, there is some similarity in the nature of the data that is collected. In the following, some key applications of Web log mining will be visited briefly.

18.6.2 Applications

Click-stream data lead to a number of applications of sequence data mining. In the following, a brief overview of the various applications will be provided, along with the pointers to the relevant chapters. The bibliographic notes also contain more specific pointers.


Users can be recommended Web pages on the basis of their browsing patterns. In this case, it is not even necessary to use the sequence information; rather, a user-pageview matrix can be constructed from the previous browsing behavior. This can be leveraged to infer the user interest in the different pages. The corresponding matrix is typically a positive preference utility matrix. Any of the recommendation algorithms in this chapter can be used to infer the pages, in which the user is most likely to be interested.



Frequent Traversal Patterns

The frequent traversal patterns at a site provide an overview of the most likely patterns of user traversals at a site. The frequent sequence mining algorithms of Chap. 15 as well as the frequent graph pattern mining algorithms of Chap. 17 may be used to determine the paths that are most popular. The Web site owner can use these results for Web site reorganization. For example, paths that are very popular should stay as continuous paths in the Web site graph. Rarely used paths and links may be reorganized, if needed. Links may be added between pairs of pages if a sequential pattern is frequently observed between that pair.

Forecasting and Anomaly Detection

The Markovian models in Chap. 15 may be used to forecast future clicks of the user. Significant deviation of these clicks from expected values may correspond to anomalies. A second kind of anomaly occurs when an entire pattern of accesses is unusual. These types of scenarios are different from the case, where a particular page view in the sequence is considered anomalous. Hidden Markov models may be used to discover such anomalous sequences. The reader is referred to Chap. 15 for a discussion of these methods.


In some cases, the sequences from a Web log may be labeled on the basis of desirable or undesirable activity. An example of a desirable activity is when a user buys a certain product after browsing a certain sequence of pages at a site. An undesirable sequence may be indicative of an intrusion attack. When labels are available, it may be possible to perform early classification of Web log sequences. The results can be used to make online inferences about the future behavior of Web users.

18.7 Summary

Web data is of two types. The first type of data corresponds to the documents and links available on the Web. The second type of data corresponds to patterns of user behavior such as buying behavior, ratings, and Web logs. Each of these types of data can be leveraged for different insights.

Collecting document data from the Web is often a daunting task that is typically achieved with the use of crawlers, or spiders . Crawlers may be either universal crawlers that are used by commercial search engines, or they may be preferential crawlers, in which only topics of a particular subject are collected. After the documents are collected, they are stored and indexed in search engines. Search engines use a combination of textual similarity and reputation-based ranking to create a final score. The two most common algorithms used for ranking in search engines are the PageRank and HITS algorithms. Topic-sensitive PageRank is often used to compute similarity between nodes.

A significant amount of data is collected on the Web, corresponding to user-item pref-erences. This data can be used for making recommendations. Recommendation methods can be either content-based or user preference-based. Preference-based methods include neighborhood-based techniques, clustering techniques, graph-based techniques, and latent factor-based techniques.


Web logs are another important source of data on the Web. Web logs typically result in either sequence data or graphs of traversal patterns. If the sequential portion of the data is ignored, then the logs can also be used for making recommendations. Typical applications of Web log analysis include determining frequent traversal patterns and anomalies, and identifying interesting events.

18.8 Bibliographic Notes

Two excellent resources for Web mining are the books in [127, 357]. An early description of Web search engines, starting from the crawling to the searching phase, is provided by the founders of the Google search engine [114]. The general principles of crawling may be found in [127]. There is significant work on preferential crawlers as well [127, 357]. Numerous aspects of search engine indexing and querying are described in [377].

The PageRank algorithm is described in [114, 412]. The HITS algorithm was described in [317]. A detailed description of different variations of the PageRank and HITS algorithms may be found in [127, 343, 357, 377]. The topic-sensitive PageRank algorithm is described in [258], and the SimRank algorithm is described in [289].

Recommender systems are described well in Web and data mining books [343, 357]. In addition, general background on the topic is available in journal survey articles and special issues [2, 325 ]. The problem of collaborative filtering can be considered a version of the missing data imputation problem. A vast literature exists on missing data analysis [364]. Item-based collaborative filtering algorithms are discussed in [170, 445]. Graph-based meth-ods for recommendations are discussed in [210, 277 , 528]. Methods for link-prediction in signed networks are discussed in [341 ]. The origin of latent factor models is generally cred-ited to a number of successful entries in the Netflix prize contest [558 ]. However, the use of latent factor models for estimating missing entries precedes the work in the field of recom-mendation analysis and the Netflix prize contest by several years [23]. This work [23] shows how SVD may be used for approximating missing data entries by combining it with the EM algorithm. Furthermore, the works in [272, 288, 548], which were performed earlier than the Netflix prize contest, show how different forms of matrix factorization may be used for rec-ommendations. After the popularization of this approach by the Netflix prize contest, other factorization-based methods were also proposed for collaborative filtering [321, 322, 323]. Related matrix factorization models may be found in [288, 440, 456]. Latent semantic models can be viewed as probabilistic versions of latent factor models, and are discussed in [272].

Web usage mining has been described well in [ 357]. Both Web log mining and usage mining are described in this work. A description of methods for Web log preparation may be found in [161 , 477]. Methods for anomaly detection with Web logs are discussed in [5]. Surveys on Web usage mining appear in [65, 390, 425].

18.9 Exercises

  1. Implement a universal crawler with the use of a breadth-first algorithm.

  1. Consider the string ababcdef . List all 2-shingles and 3-shingles, using each alphabet as a token.

  1. Discuss why it is good to add anchor text to the Web page it points to for mining purposes, but it is often misleading for the page in which it appears.

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