Data Mining: The Textbook

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Semantic feedback as an intermediate process in standard clustering algorithms: Such an approach is relevant in domains where the objects are semantically interpretable (e.g., documents or images), and the user provides feedback at specific stages in a clustering algorithm when critical choices are made. For example, in a k-means algo-rithm, a user may choose to drop some clusters during each iteration and manually specify new seeds reflecting uncovered segments of the data.

  1. Visual feedback in algorithms specifically designed for human–computer interaction:

In many high-dimensional data sets, the number of attributes is very large, and it is difficult to associate direct semantic interpretability with the objects. In such cases, the user must be provided visual representations of the clustering structure of the data in different subsets of attributes. The user may leverage these representatives to provide feedback to the clustering process. This approach can be viewed as an interactive version of projected clustering methods.

In the following section, each of these different types of algorithms will be addressed in detail.


7.6.1 Modifications of Existing Clustering Algorithms

Most clustering algorithms use a number of key decision steps in which choices need to be made, such as the choice of merges in a hierarchical clustering algorithm, or the resolution of close ties in assignment of data points to clusters. When these choices are made on the basis of stringent and predefined clustering criteria, the resulting clusters may not reflect the natural structure of clusters in the data. Therefore, the goal in this kind of approach is to present the user with a small number of alternatives corresponding to critical choices in the clustering process. Some examples of simple modifications of the existing clustering algorithms are as follows:

  1. Modifications to k-means and related methods: A number of critical decision points in the k-means algorithm can be utilized to improve the clustering process. For example, after each iteration, representative data points from each cluster can be presented to the user. The user may choose to manually discard either clusters with very few data points or clusters that are closely related to others. The corresponding seeds may be dropped and replaced with randomly chosen seeds in each iteration. Such an approach works well when the representative data points presented to the user have clear semantic interpretability. This is true in many domains such as image data or document data.

  1. Modifications to hierarchical methods: In the bottom-up hierarchical algorithms, the clusters are successively merged by selecting the closest pair for merging. The key here is that if a bottom-up algorithm makes an error in the merging process, the merging decision is final, resulting in a lower quality clustering. Therefore, one way of reducing such mistakes is to present the users with the top-ranking choices for the merge corresponding to a small number of different pairs of clusters. These choices can be made by the user on the basis of semantic interpretability.

It is important to point out that the key steps at which a user may provide the feedback depend on the level of semantic interpretability of the objects in the underlying clusters. In some cases, such semantic interpretability may not be available.

7.6.2 Visual Clustering

Visual clustering is particularly helpful in scenarios, such as high-dimensional data, where the semantic interpretability of the individual objects is low. In such cases, it is useful to visualize lower dimensional projections of the data to determine subspaces in which the data are clustered. The ability to discover such lower dimensional projections is based on a combination of the computational ability of a computer and the intuitive feedback of the user. IPCLUS is an approach that combines interactive projected clustering methods with visualization methods derived from density-based methods.

One challenge with high-dimensional clustering is that the density, distribution, and shapes of the clusters may be quite different in different data localities and subspaces. Fur-thermore, it may not be easy to decide the optimum density threshold at which to separate out the clusters in any particular subspace. This is a problem even for full-dimensional clustering algorithms where any particular density threshold4 may either merge clusters or completely miss clusters. While subspace clustering methods such as CLIQUE address these issues by reporting a huge number of overlapping clusters, projected clustering methods such

  • See discussion in Chap. 6 about Fig. 6.14.

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