Data Mining: The Textbook

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1-Data Mining tarjima

LM ahak(

) = M aha(

, Σk(







The only difference between this computation and that of the global Mahalanobis distance for extreme value analysis is that the local neighborhood set Lk(X) is used as the “relevant” data for comparison in the former. While the clustering approach of Sect. 8.4 does use a Mahalanobis metric on the local neighborhood, the computation is subtly different in this case. In the case of clustering -based outlier detection, a preprocessing approach predefines a limited number of clusters as the universe of possible neighborhoods. In this case, the neighborhood is constructed in an instance-specific way. Different points will have slightly different neighborhoods, and they may not neatly correspond to a predefined cluster. This additional granularity allows more refined analysis. At a conceptual level, this approach computes whether data point X can be regarded as an extreme value with respect to its local cluster. As in the case of the LOF method, the approach can be applied for different values of k, and the highest outlier score for each data point can be reported.

If this approach is applied to the example of Fig. 8.8b, the method will correctly deter-mine the outlier because of the local Mahalanobis normalization with the appropriate (local) covariance matrix for each data point. No distance normalizations are necessary for vary-ing data density (scenario of Fig. 8.8a) because the Mahalanobis distance already performs these local normalizations under the covers. Therefore, such a method can be used for the



scenario of Fig. 8.8a as well. The reader is referred to the bibliographic notes for variations of LOF that use the concept of varying local cluster shapes with agglomerative neighborhood computation.

8.6 Density-Based Methods

Density-based methods are loosely based on similar principles as density-based clustering. The idea is to determine sparse regions in the underlying data in order to report out-liers. Correspondingly, histogram-based, grid-based, or kernel density-based methods can be used. Histograms can be viewed as 1-dimensional special cases of grid-based methods. These methods have not, however, found significant popularity because of their difficulty in adjusting to variations of density in different data localities. The definition of density also becomes more challenging with increasing dimensionality. Nevertheless, these meth-ods are used more frequently in the univariate case because of their natural probabilistic interpretation.

8.6.1 Histogram- and Grid-Based Techniques

Histograms are simple and easy to construct for univariate data, and are therefore used quite frequently in many application domains. In this case, the data is discretized into bins, and the frequency of each bin is estimated. Data points that lie in bins with very low frequency are reported as outliers. If a continuous outlier score is desired, then the number of other data points in the bin for data point X is reported as the outlier score for X. Therefore, the count for a bin does not include the point itself in order to minimize overfitting for smaller bin widths or smaller number of data points. In other words, the outlier score for each data point is one less than its bin count.

In the context of multivariate data, a natural generalization is the use of a grid-structure. Each dimension is partitioned into p equi-width ranges. As in the previous case, the number of points in a particular grid region is reported as the outlier score. Data points that have density less than τ in any particular grid region are reported as outliers. The appropriate value of τ can be determined by using univariate extreme value analysis.

The major challenge with histogram-based techniques is that it is often hard to determine the optimal histogram width well. Histograms that are too wide, or too narrow, will not model the frequency distribution well. These are similar issues to those encountered with the use of grid-structures for clustering. When the bins are too narrow, the normal data points falling in these bins will be declared outliers. On the other hand, when the bins are too wide, anomalous data points and high-density regions may be merged into a single bin. Therefore, such anomalous data points may not be declared outliers.

A second issue with the use of histogram techniques is that they are too local in nature, and often do not take the global characteristics of the data into account. For example, for the case of Fig. 8.7, a multivariate grid- based approach may not be able to classify an isolated group of data points as outliers, unless the resolution of the grid structure is calibrated carefully. This is because the density of the grid only depends on the data points inside it, and an isolated group of points may create an artificially dense grid cell when the granularity of representation is high. Furthermore, when the density distribution varies significantly with data locality, grid-based methods may find it difficult to normalize for local variations in density.


Finally, histogram methods do not work very well in high dimensionality because of the sparsity of the grid structure with increasing dimensionality, unless the outlier score is computed with respect to carefully chosen lower dimensional projections. For example, a d-dimensional space will contain at least 2d grid-cells, and, therefore, the number of data points expected to populate each cell reduces exponentially with increasing dimensionality. These problems with grid-based methods are well known, and are also frequently encountered in the context of other data mining applications such as clustering.

8.6.2 Kernel Density Estimation

Kernel density estimation methods are similar to histogram techniques in terms of building density profiles, though the major difference is that a smoother version of the density profile is constructed. In kernel density estimation, a continuous estimate of the density is generated at a given point. The value of the density at a given point is estimated as the sum of the smoothed values of kernel functions Kh(·) associated with each point in the data set. Each kernel function is associated with a kernel width h that determines the level of smoothing created by the function. The kernel estimation f (X) based on n data points of dimensionality d, and kernel function Kh(·) is defined as follows:



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