Data Mining: The Textbook

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1-Data Mining tarjima

Dist(X, Y ) = |xi − yi|p (3.16)


The Lp -norm can also be applied to wavelet transformations of the time series. In the special case where p = 2, accurate distance computations are obtained with the wavelet representation, if most of the larger wavelet coefficients are retained in the representation. In fact, it can be shown that if no wavelet coefficients are removed, then the distances are identical between the two representations. This is because wavelet transformations can be viewed as a rotation of an axis system in which each dimension represents a time stamp. Euclidean metrics are invariant to axis rotation. The major problem with Lp-norms is that they are designed for time series of equal length and cannot address distortions on the temporal (contextual) attributes. Dynamic Time Warping Distance

DTW stretches the series along the time axis in a varying (or dynamic) way over different portions to enable more effective matching. An example of warping is illustrated in Fig. 3.8a, where the two series have very similar shape in segments A, B, and C, but specific segments in each series need to be stretched appropriately to enable better matching. The DTW measure has been adapted from the field of speech recognition, where time warping was deemed necessary to match different speaking speeds. DTW can be used either for time-series or sequence data, because it addresses only the issue of contextual attribute scaling, and it is unrelated to the nature of the behavioral attribute. The following description is a generic one, which can be used either for time-series or sequence data.


The Lp-metric can only be defined between two time series of equal length. However, DTW, by its very nature, allows the measurement of distances between two series of different lengths. In the Lp distance, a one-to- one mapping exists between the time stamps of the two time series. However, in DTW, a many-to-one mapping is allowed to account for the time warping. This many-to-one mapping can be thought of in terms of repeating some of the elements in carefully chosen segments of either of the two time series. This can be used to artificially create two series of the same length that have a one-to-one mapping between them. The distances can be measured on the resulting warped series using any distance measure such as the Lp-norm. For example, in Fig. 3.8b, some elements in a few segments of either series are repeated to create a one-to-one mapping between the two series. Note that the two series now look much more similar than the two series in Fig. 3.8a. Of course, this repeating can be done in many different ways, and the goal is to perform it in an optimal way to minimize the DTW distance. The optimal choice of warping is determined using dynamic programming.

To understand how DTW generalizes a one-to-one distance metric such as the Lp -norm, consider the L1 (Manhattan) metric M (Xi, Y i), computed on the first i elements of two time series X = (x1 . . . xn) and Y = (y1 . . . yn) of equal length. The value of M (Xi, Yi) can be written recursively as follows:

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