Memory Management Issues on the .NET Platform The .NET Common Language Runtime is a garbage-collected environment. This means the programmer is freed
(for the most part) from worrying about memory allocation and deallocation. Broadly speaking, after you allocate
memory, the CLR determines when it is safe to free that memory. "Safe to free" means that no more references to
that memory exist.
This topic covers the following memory management issues:
Creating and destroying objects
Unit initialization and finalization sections
Unit initialization and finalization in assemblies and packages
Constructors In Delphi for .NET, a constructor must always call an inherited constructor before it may access or initialize any
inherited class members. The compiler generates an error if your constructor code does not call the inherited
constructor (a valid situation in Delphi for Win32), but it is important to examine your constructors to make sure that
you do not access any inherited class fields, directly or indirectly, before the call to the inherited constructor.