Democi it us was an Ancient Gi cede Philosr phew
tarix | 21.12.2023 | ölçüsü | 2,18 Kb. | | #187982 |
Democi it us was an Ancient Gi cede Philosr phew.
Born in ą6o ß.C. in a city-state called Adhera.
Name from a wealthy family.
Ti aveled foi a lot of his eai ly life.
Life Upon retui ning home tae studied Natui al Philosoplay lie also traveled thi ough Greece to learn more ‹aI the Cultures.
tiiak, indivisible pai ticles.
H e called them atom s.
He sa i , Matter naay loom smooth and sol id, but if we
could see it vei y ver y close, then we would see that it's
made of pieces.
Det ocritus thought a totes loomed lilac this:
He called them atoms foi tłae Gi eek woi d weaning
Died in s7• ß.C. at the age of 9o.
Many call la iiv The Father oł Modern Scie nce.
After Deniocritus, not such happened with the
atomic theory for naoh e than z,ooo years.
http://www chemisti yland.con/
EarlyAtorn /EarlyAtom.html
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