with fetid contents. The patient experiences sharp shooting pains. Painful regional
Complications of hard chancre
1. accession of a secondary infection;
2. irritation by discharge;
3. self-medication.
Clinical manifestations:
Balanitis - vulgar inflammation of the glans penis;
Balanoposthitis - vulgar inflammation of the glans penis
and inner sheet of the
Phimosis is the narrowness of the foreskin, in which it is impossible to detect the
glans penis. The foreskin swells, loses elasticity. The penis is shaped like a
Paraphimosis - compression of the glans penis. The
glans penis is naked and
squeezed by a ring of edematous inflammatory foreskin at the border of the
coronary sulcus. Phenomena of necrosis and ulceration of the glans penis may be
Gangrene of the glans penis.
- Phagedenism.
second symptom of the primary period of syphilis is
regional sclerodenitis. It
occurs 7-10 days after the appearance of a solid chancre.
Lymph nodes are
enlarged (0.7-1 cm), dense-elastic consistency, mobile, unsoldered with
surrounding tissues, painless. The skin over the lymph ical nodes is not changed.